Problems latching on


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hello everyone.

I am still breast feeding but am still finding it exhausting. I think the problem may be with Logan not latching on properley.

He used to be fine and I made sure he had plenty of nipple and areolar in his mouth but the last 3 days he appears to have "forgotten" how to latch on properley.

Does this happen?

I keep taking him off as soon as I realise he just has the nipple in his mouth. Sometimes when he does have a big mouthful he will pull his head back and move down the nipple so that he is just sicking on the end

Are there any tips to get him to open his mouth wider? He does't seem to be opening his mouth very wide at all - I sometimes have to wait for him to cry to get more nipple in.

I am seeing my HV on Thursday and will discuss this with her then but was wondering if there were any ideas from here in the mean time.

I have noticed that he doesn;t do this in the morning feeds ( 3am etc) thats when he seems to be super hungry and then doesn't mess about. Is my little man just being lazy?

I have had to be on antibiotics and this has caused my little man to have a bad tummy and lots of extra wind - any hints and tips to help him get this wind out... I have tried baby massage and warm baths but he still appears to be in a lot of discomfort..

Thank you
is it hurting you if you think he has only nipple in his mouth Lindsey?

if its not hurting you and bubba seems to be feeding well then chances are hes latched on ok. Of course if its causing you discomfort them its wrong.

To try and get his mouth wider try touching his nose with your nipple to make him root and then popping your nipple in his mouthfrom that angle. make sure he has his tummy to yours too which makes it all the more easy.
tummy to mummy. nose to nipple.

the fact that you say he doesn't mess about when hes hungry at ight makes methink hes just not all that hungry otherwise. Maybe hes using you as a dummy? Is he settled between feeds? Are you feeding long enought on each side?

you asked about winding
The way i wind my baby is to hold her under her chin with one hand and pat and rub her back starting from the base of her back (near her bum) and working up towards her neck. I sort of cup my hand too too whilst doing it. I find it brings with wind up better like that.
If you do that and still there is wind try lifting the head of bubba up gently with the hand holding it.
its hard to describe it on paper but ive tried my best.
Does his latch cause you pain? If not there may be nothing wrong with it hun. For ages i thought Thea wasnt latching properly because it didnt look like the pictures! I thought she was only getting my nipple but it wasnt hurting me at all, but i could see loads of areola. As it turned out her latch was fine its just that i have large areola which was why it looked wrong. Is there any chance its the same for you?

The way i got Thea to latch to start with was to use one hand to cup the breast and rub my nipple over her nose and down towards her mouth. Once she opened her mouth to it i just brought her in towards me more.

The way i wind Thea is place the her over my shoulder with her bottom supported by my arm. With the other hand, pat or rub her back.
I agree with all the above -
Also good for getting wind up is walking with them on your shoulder up and down the stairs.
Or tilting them back wards and then forwards.
I agree also, but hun welldone for caring on! dont give up the good work you sound as tho you are coping well!

As for the winding apart from all of the above I also lie Olivia on her front over my legs or on the bed and pat/rub her back, she draws her knees up then and lets out lots of farts and burps :lol:
thanx for all your replies - yes I have sore nipples at the min. the hv has checked for thrush etc and there is no prob there. I had thought they were sore due to overuse!

I think you have hit the nail on the head budge and he is using me as a dummy. he doesn't rest well between feeds and will only sleep for about 10 mins before crying for more. He is feeding every hour and can be attached for 30 min plus! I am alternating sides. When he cries he does make all the right signs for being hungry though ( hand chewing etc) the hv has said he is a hungry baby and is cluster feeding.

How do I stop him from using me as a dummy?
With Olivia as soon as she is finished she pulls away, and is normaly asleep. The only time she has wanted my nipples is to feed so I dont think she useses me as a dummy.

I think to stop him using you as a dummy you could try giving him a dummy instead? straight after you have fed him, or is this wrong advise?

I dont know what else you could try, Olivia sucks her thumb and hates dummys, you could try a dummy maybe?
The midwife tried to get him to use a dummy and he spat it out and cried even more so we didn't persue that.

He does fall asleep at the breast or pull away when he has had enough - the problem is he seems to want more just 10 mins or so after finishing. he does go through the night for 3 hours but during the day he has not slept for longer than 1 hour ( once!)

I think I could manage if he fed every 3 hours for 30 mins but at the minute he is permanantly attached to me and I may get 2 hours max in a day where I don't have him on me.

What am I doing wrong????
Hunny your not doing anything wrong :D

Its trial and error bringing up children and learning whats best for your child.

He seems to be a very hungry little piggy :lol: and its sounds like Olivia when shes on her growth spurts lol he must have a perminant one bless him.

I really dnt know what to suggest? have you been on the la lache leauge forum? there are some hardcore breastfeeders there that can help im sure :D
Lyndsey said:
thanx for all your replies - yes I have sore nipples at the min. the hv has checked for thrush etc and there is no prob there. I had thought they were sore due to overuse!

I think you have hit the nail on the head budge and he is using me as a dummy. he doesn't rest well between feeds and will only sleep for about 10 mins before crying for more. He is feeding every hour and can be attached for 30 min plus! I am alternating sides. When he cries he does make all the right signs for being hungry though ( hand chewing etc) the hv has said he is a hungry baby and is cluster feeding.

How do I stop him from using me as a dummy?

he sounds exactly like my eldest daughter lindsey. she fed everyhour for half an hour or more. i felt like i was feeding all day :roll:
she found her thumb becasue she knawed at her fists alot. he may well do the same. and then it is bliss. :lol:

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