Virgin breast feeder

Well had a long night he wanted to feed alot and for hours but had help with latch now so very confident with that x soreness is getting less been putting that cream on and rubbing milk into them x

Thanks for all the advice ladies wouldn't have carried on i don't think but day 3 now x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
Your milk's still coming in, if you can make it over this hurdle the pain should settle. I know it's not easy especially after a c-section (I've had 2) and if you need painkillers take them! Just try and set small goals (7 days?) and think of all the reasons you want to BF (not having to pack to go out, get up in the night, sterilise etc) to keep you going.
I know just going try have a nap now hoping to go home today but then again they never let me out last time for ages x

20/06/2012 born at 12.09 x
i hope they do let u out soon, you will get more sleep at home as you will be able to nap when lo does. well done you, it does get less painful once your milk comes in and then a few days later your nips toughen up a bit too just keep rubbing in the milk and slathering on the lansinoh lol. i love bf cos i dont have to go downstairs in the night or faff with bottles at 4am, and in the morning i can put the kettle on for a cuppa and feed her then make my brekkie and coffee while shes happy, no screaming in hunger ever cos you can feed quickly and ya never forget the milk when shopping lol. i combi feed so i know what its like for both and bf is the best bit, even Alyssa prefers boob to bottle lol

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