Private Scans


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
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Has anyone had any private scans?
Did anyone have one at 9 weeks?
What is the earliest you can find the sex of your baba with a private scan
Now this I would recommend - I had one when I was 7 weeks pregnant with Ella and it was fab and so reassuring.

If you have the cash, go for it. xx
Thanks Ladies

Annie - how did you go about arranging yours? Will my GP be able to give me some information when I go and see him this week?

Kindest regards

I just googled for companies that offer private scans when i had mine done
I said to OH that I would love to get one done - just so it can sink in properly, and to be reassured. (Plus I'm so impatient!). But he is against it, saying we are best to wait until 12 weeks. That's aaaaaages away! :( xxx
I went to baby bond and they are fantastic. You get to see a little heart beat and hear it :) you get a report and photos.
I would def do it, it cost me £100 :) x
I seen one in Perth - not so far away from me - that was only £25! xx
I seen one in Perth - not so far away from me - that was only £25! xx

Blimey Levi, could you pm me the details of this one? I'm still just ttc at this point but will be looking to get an early scan if/when the time comes, I'm a worrier!!
Hello, this is a similar reply I posted to another thread.....

I have tired to get a dating scan on the NHS and was told that my first scan would be when I'm 15 weeks! This feels like an age away so I did a bit of research on the net and found a private clinic in Canary Wharf (they are called My Ultra Baby and also have clinincs in West & North London and Hertfordshire) that offers scans along side your NHS scans from 5 weeks.

I am going on Sat when I will be 9+2 (I think) so hope to hear the heartbeat and get a fairly good look at the little one, even if it's just a blob. Perhaps that's worth a try? It is a bit expensive (£75) but I reasoned that it was worth it to stop me going crazy, plus you don't need a referral from the GP. Hope this helps.....
Wow Levi - that place looks good. Prices are brilliant - i woulda definitely paid for an early scan weeks ago if i'd seen that kinda prices.

Im sorely tempted by the mini movie offer at £100. Wonder if i can persuade DH that it would be a good b'day present.
I know! I said to OH that we couldn't really complain seeing as it was so cheap - I mean it will stop me worrying! So he has finally came round to it! Woohoo! Still got another few weeks to wait, but its better than waiting 7! Lol!

Get persuading!! Haha xxx

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