Private scan on Saturday!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Am going for a private scan on Saturday at 10:45am to

1) get a second opinion and confirm that it is definitely a girl as although I'm sure the sonographer was correct, bubs was lying awkwardly and so I just want to make absolutely sure.

2) To get a DVD and more photos for a treat for myself- call it a half birthday (like the Queen has!) present to myself as my b'day is 28th December.

3) Just to see bubs again really as I didn't relax and enjoy at the 20 week scan because I just wanted to ensure all was ok and bubs was developing normally.

Can't wait! It feels v indulgent but hey, I've not drunk alcohol in nearly 6 months and barely go out these days!
Awww enjoy it hun, sure it will be amazing!! xxx
Enjoy it hun, I had a gender scan at 16 weeks and it was brilliant x x
yay be lovely for you hun i totally understand the relaxing thing i cant wait for mine xxx
It'll be fab! :-) I had mine at 28 weeks! Was amazing! Enjoy it! x
Good luck hun!

Is that a normal scan or a 4D one? Am tempted to have another scan myself, you'll have to let me know how it goes!
Hey jealous...still gotta wait til 1st for my 20 week scan!! having one done privately and then on nhs week later at my clinic!!!

Make the most of it and enjoy :) xx
It's a normal scan- it's £60. I couldn't afford the £120 for the 3d scan

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