Private Group B strep test

We are routinely tested for this at our 36 week ANC in Guernsey. If you are found to be positive, they take you into hospital as soon as labour starts and give you intravenous anti-biotics every 4 hours until the baby is born. They take it very seriously here and never once have I heard it said that they are being over cautious. I do know of a lady whos baby died a few hours after birth due to her passing the virus onto the baby during labour so personally, I would never like to risk it but it's so hard if you're not offered it.
I think I will go for it and order it privately to be done at 36 weeks. At least I know I've done my bit then :eh: x
Didn't realise this thread was here and posted in tri 3 thread!

I have had an nhs one done this week and the 2 swabs you do yourself privately at home and pay when u send back. From what I've read testing is best between 35-37 weeks for accurate results around time of labour. Like Sarah13 said I think it's prob best to get tested and then at least u have some idea and get to be offered the antibiotics. I have heard some very sad stories about LO's dying from GBS and that's enough for me not to take a chance, even tho most are fine! I'm an anxious person and can't help it!.............Get the results next week, fx!
I had a strep B test today! I've also had a smear test in earlier pregnancy. Must be pretty standard here in Germany thou! x
Thanks for that post I hadnt heard of it, Defo something I will insist on testing for :-)
I had a strep B test today! I've also had a smear test in earlier pregnancy. Must be pretty standard here in Germany thou! x

I wasn't allowed a smear test this year because I was pregnany- guess that's different too!

Btw I got my private group b strep results texted to me yesterday and they were negative! I know it's not definitive but am pleased all the same! I am assuming my nhs one will be negative ( it was done 2 days before) but I gotta ring 2moro and check. Gonna be a bit confused if it's positive, but will have to go with it!......Hope all those getting tested get their results soon.....positive or not at least u then know and can the antibiotics if needed! xx
Glad your test results were negative. I'm a bot worried as I am sure I had a UTI many years ago & I remember 'STREP B' being mentioned at that time. I was never swabbed with my last 2 pregnancies so I am glad I have been swabbed this time!
My NHS one came back negative today too, so at least both NHS and private tests are in agreement!

2 years ago is a long time stacey, I would have thought that just coz u had that UTI then it wouldn't necessarily mean u have it now!.......Even if u do at least u will know and can get the right treatment and protect LO.

Good luck for your results xxx

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