Previous pre term baby, no extra care


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2012
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Hi ladies,

Thought this might be the best place to post this thread.

So as title says I had a previous pre term baby. DS was born at 33+4 weeks back in 2010. I am now pregnant again and had been referred to a consultant due to the pre term labour.

Went to by appt yesterday and was absolutely disappointed. It was nothing but a waste of time. She took my BP and urine sample asked about my pregnancy and how early DS was and care at neonatal and then just replied well Im not going to make another appt for you with me I think you have to be in sync with your body and if you feel your going into pre term labour again call the hospital.

I couldnt believe it!!! I know woman that were in neonatal with us at the time and have now gone onto have 2nd babies and had constant extra care the second time around. One of them like me had bever been told why she went into early delivery and still doesnt know. Her 2nd baby is now here safe and sound and also pre term but luckily not as early this time round.

Is this a response I should have gotten from the consultant yesterday? Just so angry and annoyed. I feel like I have no support from health care in this pregnancy. I dont even have a MW as she left 4 weeks ago and still havent been assigned a new one.

In my notes it states i get anxious in pregnancies due to history of recurrent MC's etc and this is the care I get???

Should it be different or am I just expecting more than what is supposed to be????
Hi Hun, Iv not been in your situation but didn't want to read and not reply, I thought if a baby is premature then you get extra care the next time? I think it's awful what the consultant said! Is there any way you can get a second opinion? I also think it's wrong that you haven't got a midwife! Really saddens me reading things like this when you could do with the extra reassurance, I'm sorry you were disappointed with the appointment, I would be too :( hope someone is able to give you some advice xxxx big hugs xxxx
Sorry to hear about your crappy appointment. Have you ever had a explanation as to why your baby was early last time? If so then perhaps the consutant doesn't think the same problem will happen again.
I would be pushing for regular appointment with the consultant for monitoring, particularly seeing as you don't have a midwife. And at any sign of any signs of early labour (and before) I would be contacting them and making sure that they keep a very close eye on baby and you.
That's very strange they should be doing specialist scans and you should be under a consultant for the duration of your pregnancy. I had a prem baby at 33 weeks 8years ago, when I fell pregnant with my second I was referred to a consultant who arranged specialist scans, close monitoring and steroid injections as a precaution. I was treated as high risk and its lucky I was as I was given an emergency section at 32 weeks due to findings on a specialist scan 2 hours prior. Ask your midwife to re refer you and demand to be monitored x
I'm in the same boat! My daughter was born at 29 weeks and is nearly 2, I'm 15 weeks pregnant and haven't even got an appointment with a consultant, no extra care at all, its making me a little uneasy tbh

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I think the lack of extra care is appalling! The fact you don't have a midwife at the moment either is dreadful, specialmami. I'd be kicking up an almighty fuss at my GP's if it was me.

I'm being referred to a consultant this time (pre-eclampsia with first pregnancy, low birth weight/IUGR baby - healthy 13 month old now). I'm hoping I'll get some help rather than being left to it! Although because the midwife missed the pre-eclampsia when I was 32 weeks, I'm taking some things into my own hands this time round (blood pressure machine, urine dip sticks etc. to keep a look out for pre-eclampsia). I couldn't quite believe it when the consultant I spoke to before my c-section said a blood test I'd had 6 weeks earlier had shown the pre-eclampsia starting (I saw my midwife 2 weeks before my emergency c-section).
Ella1979, that's awful they missed it! I'm glad your LO is okay! Defiantly a good idea to take matters into your own hands this time around! Hope everything goes smoothly! Xx

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