Pressure pain in belly? *Update*


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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OMG, my belly really feels like it's going to explode today. I'm not sure if it's her pushing out with her limited room or even things starting off. At times the pain is high up on my belly and I can see her pressing out, but other times it's low down in my belly and feels slightly different and I can't see her pressing out.

Any ideas as to what it is or how to ease it?

Thought I would just keep an update for anyone who is interested and also for my knowledge :D
- 11:40am - Had show.
- 12:20pm - Pains getting stronger, back pains coming with each one.
- 10:37pm - 2cm dilated.
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Oooo maybe bean sprout is on the way! Stalking this thread!!!

I would love for that to be the case. The pain was so bad walking home from the shops that I was almost in tears and hardly able to walk because of the pressure.
Are you sure it's not contractions? :p
Hope this is the start of things for you, that's usually how it starts off, so I have been told!
Doesn't sound very nice though :( xxx
No, I haven't rung the hospital yet. I don't sound like an idiot if it is just bean sprout doing it. If the pains get more severe or more regular then I will be. They have been going on and off since about 9:30 this morning but don't seem to follow any pattern just yet.

Will keep you updated. :)
Contractions can be irregular at the very start!

Keep an eye on how often they are.

I'd describe contractions as a massive BH with a massive period pain/cramp at the exact same time. causing you almost to bend over at the middle with the pain.

Thanks littlemiss.

Well pains are now more like a tightening (belly muscles contracting). They aren't really that painful any more, just really uncomfortable. Hubby has been timing them and they are about 30 - 40 seconds every 10 mins.

They are seriously nothing like what I thought contractions would be, so not getting hopes up yet.
I was going to wait until the pain increased again, as right now the pain is not bad at all. However we went for a walk round the block "to get things moving" and now they have become irregular in both length and spacing of them.

I just wish a big light would flash when the real thing started, so there was no need to guess or get excited for nothing. :(
Sending you labour vibes! Hopefully it is the start. I never had contractions with my 2nd labour until my waters broke. Even then I was 9cm...I silently dialated all that way. Then it was very, very mild period pains every 2 minutes!

Maybe keep an eye on things 7 call your MW for advice. No harm, your overdue now, so anything could be!

Good luck :) xxx
Sending you labour vibes! Hopefully it is the start. I never had contractions with my 2nd labour until my waters broke. Even then I was 9cm...I silently dialated all that way. Then it was very, very mild period pains every 2 minutes!

Maybe keep an eye on things 7 call your MW for advice. No harm, your overdue now, so anything could be!

Good luck :) xxx

That sounds perfect - can I have a birth like that please!?

Really hope this is my turn to have a "normal" birth after last time...

Hope things were getting moving for you hun!!

I too would like a birth like that Stacey!! Lucky!!
Was still getting irregular pains when I went to bed at around 1am. Not sure if I was having the pains in my sleep or if they were just very realistic dreams. Had some more pains when I woke this morning and getting back pains and slight period pain feelings but don't seem to come at the same time as the other pains.

Haven't had any tightening pains for about just under an hr now. But (TMI) I was sitting here just before and felt wetness below. Ran to the toilet thinking it was my waters breaking. Pulled my pants down fast as didn't want to leak anywhere and found my liner full of a yellowish mucus. Then looked on the side of the bath (sits in front of the toilet) and somehow there was a big blob of yellow jelly like substance sliding down it...... Think I may have lost my plug in a very strange way and now hubby wont go to the toilet because he is grossed out. :D

Only thing was, there was no signs of blood in the plug at all.
Ahah ooooo hope this is the start of things for you :D It certainly sounds like it xxx
I don't think blood has to be in a show hun... Not sure...
Defo sound like things are moving forward though!!!
I wasn't too sure, just going by what hubby read somewhere. Would be good if there doesn't have to be as it was a fair amount so think it all came loose at once.

I so want the pains from yesterday back. Am now getting more constant mild period pains and back pains. Will see how things progress (or not) and may call the MV later for advice. Don't think there is any need yet as would just sound like a crazy overly paranoid fool :D.
Period pains and back pains are a good sign too.. Hopefully the contractions will start up again soon for you.. Hopefully you'll know soon it's horrible not knowing :hug: rest well just in case!xx

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