Pressure down below


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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For the past week i've been feeling a lot of pressure down below, and sometimes i'm finding it hard to walk. Could this mean that the babies head may be engaged, or is it too what stage do they engage?? I have a midwife appointment next tuesday, so will ask her too.


Amy xx
iv had the same feeling for the past week or so it feels like a really bad ache when i try n walk :? i have no idea what it is though i have an appointment with midwife on tues was going to ask then
Im sure it is where your baby is getting lower, and starts to touch new nerves etc, its really uncomfortable, i remember that feeling, thats when i noticed too when baby had hicups!!!

Natalie x
cool, I'm not the only one feeling this.

I've been convinced he's been ready to come out and trying to explain the pressure to Husband has been something of a challenge
does anyone else get pressure where they think they need to pee... only to sit on the loo for 10 mins then nothing.. as soon as you stand up you feel you need to pee again? i'm like this all the time!!! i just don't know when i need to go or not...

yes hayley... i get the need a wee, then go and it dribbles!!

sad thing is i get really excited when i sit down a do a long wee!! haha xxx
yea.. i love my first morning one... feels lovely to actually pee for more than 3 seconds.... i've tried leaning forward - aparently it helps to empty your bladder but the other day it cut me off in mid stream - got really annoyed - like i'd been cheated out of a good pee....
haha hayley LMAO!

I have done the same!! its so funny what annoys and give us pregnant women joy!! haha xxx
thanks for that......

had a good read through! I don't think that relates me to me thou. I haven't had any pain and i can get up and down the stairs quite easily... i think maybe it's just the weight of the baby pressing down on my bladder! need to learn how to empty my bladder when i go...

just got back from the midwife and mine is being caused by the fact my pelvic bone has moved out of place she has reffered me to the physio but theres nothing that can be done about it until after i have had the baby :(
Mine is playing up again, Ive been on my feet quite abit today and now Im paying for it. My midwfie has given me a direct number for physio I think I will give them a call

bubble_dreamer said:
just got back from the midwife and mine is being caused by the fact my pelvic bone has moved out of place she has reffered me to the physio but theres nothing that can be done about it until after i have had the baby :(

usually it goes a couple of days/weeks after the baby is born
Yep girls I have got this pressure too - I think it must be LO moving into place, but it's bloody uncomfortable isn't it? I have tries to explain the pain to my Dh too but struggled :lol: he tries to understand but I know deep down he hasn't got a clue. He is going on a bike ride this afternoon, he told me that he will be out of signal so if anything happens he will leave me the route for me to drive to get him :?

winstanley said:
bubble_dreamer said:
just got back from the midwife and mine is being caused by the fact my pelvic bone has moved out of place she has reffered me to the physio but theres nothing that can be done about it until after i have had the baby :(

usually it goes a couple of days/weeks after the baby is born

i really hope so! still means i have another 11 weeks of pain though :(
Lindsay said:
Yep girls I have got this pressure too - I think it must be LO moving into place, but it's bloody uncomfortable isn't it? I have tries to explain the pain to my Dh too but struggled :lol: he tries to understand but I know deep down he hasn't got a clue. He is going on a bike ride this afternoon, he told me that he will be out of signal so if anything happens he will leave me the route for me to drive to get him :?


lmao!!! cause if anything happens im sure you will be up for driving through contractions hehe..

hope you girls get better not looking forward to all that :o

cas x
Ive made an appt to see a physio next Thursday at local hosp for SPD


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