Pressure Down Below **UPDATE**


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Has anybody else been getting this like a pressure down below and really achy throbbing lady bits? I cant believe how uncomfy it is ive had these on and off all night and its driving me nuts and getting me all worried hence why im still wide awake :( I did call the MW and she rekoned it could be due to the position of bub's and the fact they may be laying on a nerve. But it still doesn't stop me worrying though. :(


Hey ladies thought id tell you i went and seen the MW about this and she examined me down below and she told me after that there is a small varicose vein down there and she also noticed my uterus is low down and swollen so with the pressure of bub's and that its also causing this vein to throb which is making everything hurt as it does. She said there wasn't much she could do but did tell me to rest as much as i could during the day to take the weight of it all. That i did laugh at with my other 2 you'd have to be kidding but ive been trying too :lol:
Hello :wave: This is perfectly normal. You usually find that by lying down/sitting that it eases it. It could also be because baby has moved down. Mine did not go away once it started but like I have mentioned-try finding a comfy position to take the weight off that area. xx
Oh Flossy sorry I didnt get your text till this morning - George is being such a good boy I am getting so much more sleep than when I was pregnant :D

I would talk to your midwife or doctor today if I were you - this is just how I felt and they found a small prolapse of my bladder..... There wasnt much they could do but it didnt seem so bad when I had an explanation for the discomfort. Since I have given birth the prolapse has popped back into place....

Hope you managed to get some sleep honey :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane and George x
I am also facing the same problem just take more and more rest.
hey hun how did ya get on at the middy today. Sorry was meant to txt ya but nesting took over and ive just sat down!!

sending you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know we spoke last night and I understand how hard it will be to rest up with your other LO's running about but take the opportunity to when you can and try not to over do it sending you hugs and hope its feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
god i wouldnt have even thought of that!!!, hope ur feeling better soon darling and trying to rest as much as poss :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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