preparing to try again


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
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Hi everyone,
So I have a WTT journal as I have been waiting since my mmc in September to TTC after my holiday in December. Thing is, the closer it gets the more nervous I am.
I'm wondering whether to delay longer??? But I'm 34, 35 in may. I know that's not old but you do see reports of fertility dropping after 35.
Wish I had more time.
Anyone else feel the same?
I say do what you feel is right having a baby is nerve wracking anyway but making sure your ready in your head can reduce stress and that's probably better for bubs but I say doc what you feel is right :) and good luck and have a lovely holiday
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Sorry to hear about your loss :(
I've had multiple mcs and have tried again really soon after and also delayed... I think there will always be niggles and fear no matter how long you wait. For me, i based it more on how i felt.. Ttc can be so stressful and i think even if you just 'go with the flow' for a cycle or two it can really make a difference to stress levels.
Whenever you feel ready is the right time i think but if you're worried, maybe delay another month and see how you feel? I found ntnp (not trying not preventing) to be a good balance xxx
Hi Aragon, I'm also 34 and I am feeling the pressure of time ticking away. We already find ttc difficult with my issues so I really don't need another obstacle of age in my way! We have been ttc for over 3 years so we didn't wait after our mcs to ttc again. I think it does depend hugely on the individual and if you are lucky your fertility won't be affected until later on. If it feels right go for it, if you aren't ready I don't think a few months will make much difference if you didn't struggle to conceive in the first place?
Thanks all. Think a crystal ball would be useful now!!!
I'm going to see how my holiday makes me feel. Might relax a bit then!!

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