Prem Babies Development


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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I was just wondering as my HV was round earlier in week and said that Jack being premature probably wont smile for another 4/5weeks and that prem babies development is slower than other babies, so i was wondering at what ages did your prem babies start doing things like smiling in response to you, focusing properly on things/ people etc? x
Callum was born at 37 weeks, so not classed as "prem"

But babies usually smile around 6 weeks and Callum smiled first at 9 weeks

Thats the first ive noticed though

He learned to roll around the age of what other babies do
Premature babies should develop in line with their corrected age i.e their age from their due date. Many babies who were just a few weeks prem catch up very quickly to their actual age whereas those who were very prem or very sick are often a bit later than corrected age. Hope that helps x
As people and books say.. If you have a prem baby it can take upto 2 years for them to be in line with a 2 year old baby born at the correct time!

However I HATE THIS SAYING with the biggest venjance at the moment it completely does my head in.

Babies will do things when they are ready and you will know and notice them. Dont let people tell you your child wont do something.

I had a check up at 3 months and the ped said to me, "Calum wont have smiled yet so we'll see you again in another 3 months" i didnt even get a chance to say "Yes he does".

I brought a book the other day and the things listed for a 0-3month Calum is doing most.

I would try not to worry about what the HV says with regards to development and just take each day as it comes Jack will do everything when his ready, wether it be before or after what the HV wants or expects!
Thank you for your replies :hug: i just thought id ask as no-ones really said about what to expect with a prem baby. What book is that you bought JollyPops? Can anyone recommend any books? x
I got the Annabel Karmel Complete First Year Planner, brought it in Asda for £11.
Ava first smiled about 2 weeks ago and she was born at 34+1 weeks
lelands been slow on things like smiling , holding toys , transfering , babbling etc but for physical things like rolling , crawling , walking , standing up his way up there with his proper age if not ahead a lil , but mental things his not , his more corrected i think . he was born at 34 weeks.
Thanks for your replies everyone really appreciate them, Jack started smiling last week at 8weeks his not smiling all the time in reaction to things yet though so its lovely each time he does smile at us :D x
my baby smiles already, I dont think its wind as shes feed through a tube that goes stright to her stomah and I deffently saw her smile when they were keeping her nil by mouth which means she just a drip giving her nuritnts into her blood when she was first born, A student midwife that was looking after my baby said that there was evidence of them smiling as young as 9 weeks in the womb. Even the nurse commented on her today that she was smiling and shes not even two weeks old yet
I reckon it's swings n roundabouts with regards to development of prem babies....

Oliver was born at 34 wks weighing 5lbs 4oz - but quickly overtook a lot of babies born on time weight-wise.

He was also one of the first in my mum & baby group to be sitting unsupported at about 6months.... but then didn't roll until he was about 8months (which I thought they were supposed to do first).

At 11months he cut his first toothy peg - waaaaay behind all the other babies I know.

He's still not crawling, but loves being on his feet!

BUT - every 'new' thing is there to be cherished, whatever it is any whenever it happens. Just enjoy it as it comes :D
Zodiac said:
At 11months he cut his first toothy peg - waaaaay behind all the other babies I know.
thats a good thing aparently the later they cut their teeth the better/ healthier their teeth will be (not sure if thats true lol)

sorry i can't offer much help but i have heared that prem babies do catch up with babies born on timem so i wouldn't worry hun and as said above they will do it when they are ready (my son was over turm and did everything late :D i'm hoping lil mat will do everything late too :lol: i don't want him to grow up quickly when he is born like my daughter emma did)

My son is 2 in 3 weeks time he was born at 28 weeks, and had stopped growing so was only 1lb 11oz.... he has had issues like all premmies came out of scbu just after due date, and since then has been back into intensive care 4 times and in and out of hospital... and still has to have operations every three months as he has cysts on his airawys...

Anyways i was constantly in and out of books like what to expect the first year and calculating what he should be doing and what he wasnt doing... and then panicing about it... and then trying to help him along.... and now at 2 years he cant yet walk or talk, has only just started to eat lumps, still has bottles all the time, cant pick up little things (pincer grasp i think??) and basically does nothing a 2 year old does let alone a 21 month baby does!!

BUT he is happy!

and gradually i learnt that he learns things in his own time and not to look in the books and not stress has he got this has he got that etc... even now i smile when ppl look at him funny cuz he is the only one that cant walk/talk etc... but thats cuz hes special and has had to fight to stay alive... no time for learning all the usual stuff... lol!!

by no means am i preaching, i think mums worry as an instinct ... BUT I just wanted to try to help other mums not suffer the same way i did by getting Soooo stressed out about it... altho i know if i had read this all that time ago i would have just thought pah! and carried on worrying lol

but they just have to develop however they want to.... :)

Hope all your babies are doing well :)

Wow I just read this, this would be like my baby arriving now. I can't imagine what you have been through but it sounds as if you and baby are doing so well - massive :hug: to you both xx
What an inspirational story, glad you are both happy and doing well - thank you for sharing it with us

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