

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
no i dont mean am i or arent i haha dont get worried!
i just wondered how many of us active members on pregnancy forum are actually pregnant?
when my boyf asks me what im up to on my laptop and i tell him im on PF hes like "why do u still go on there? u not pregnant any more!" i do explain 2 him every time its for new mums and ttcers too but he does make me feel like im a big gatecrasher and shouldnt be on a pf!
so help me satisfy my curiosity and ansa my poll please!
haha look at the votes so far
stick that in his mouth and chew it lol
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: There are more mummies on here than there are mummies to be....
I may be pregnant now but I was here for 20 months after Brody was born, and had no intention of moving on LOL
Jack is nearly 2 now and i'm still here LOL
I will be here forever no getting rid of me

unless i get banned

My husband is the same, i tell him to shag off.

Is a good poll trix, il show it too him later.
i'll still be here when my baby reaches 60 - I'm so addicted :shock:
The prob is that you get an email saying someone had replied to a thread and then you're back here AGAIN!
oh I'm not signed up to get that, only notified if I get PM's. Maybe you could change to that Kylie?

I had a miscarriage so wasn't sure whether to put answer 1 or 3- i put 1 as still trying :)
I put 3 :cheer: *woop woop* for ryan.. :cheer:

But obviously i joined when I was pregnant. In fact I joined on Christmas Day last year lol...
Kylie1007 said:
The prob is that you get an email saying someone had replied to a thread and then you're back here AGAIN!

oh i didn't choose that function for my account. i just tend to come and see what everyone else is saying before i even check for answers to my own threads!
I feel like a gate crasher as I can't have any more and my youngest is 20months, but this place is my only sanity. :pray: let me stay :D
im pregnant (STILL)
and i will still be here afterwards

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