pregnant with twins


New Member
Jun 5, 2012
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went for my first scan and found out it was twins :shock: my first babies i havent got a clue what i got myself into, as i never done this before but im so exsited !!!:dance:
Congrats, very exciting, 1 baby is amazing on its own but to be told you're having twins must be super amazing! x
My advice to you would be to watch your iron and continue with preg vitamins right the way through. A twin pregnancy can be very depleting on your reserves, plenty of water too.
Any undue tiredness, dark circles etc, ask for iron to be checked, I found I was anaemic throughout my twin pregnancy and felt like poo.
Also watch for piles, have some anusol in just in case. I found the extra weight I was carrying played havoc with my bum x
Wow how exciting!! Comfratulations!
I mean congratulations! Ha ha
Hi and congratulations! I know what a shock it is to be told you're having twins as I was in the same boat as you 11 weeks ago lol. As it's your first pregnancy, you won't know anything different so just listen to your body and rest up when you can, etc. A positive attitude helps as I would get myself worked up about every little twinge thinking about pre-term labour (and it's my 2nd pregnancy!) but now I've relaxed a bit and am just trying to take it easy.

And as cosmicgirl said, drink lots of water and keep taking your vitamins!

Congrats again!
Awwwwwwww congrats! I'm getting my first scan soon for my first ever bubba, very nervous, have no idea what i'd do if it was twins! Double the celebration maybe? haha x
Twins run in our family; Mum and uncle are twins, cousin had twins and in other generations too. It missed me though (this time!).

How exciting!! x

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