pregnant with intercourse 7 days before ovulation?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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hello ladies,

did any of you got pregnant with cd8 and ovulation around day 13/14? does having sex while using preseed or anything like this on day 8 or 9 get you pregnant? i was just wonderingif the preseed stuff also helps the sperm to live longer too (also withouttheoresence of cervical mucus).

thank you so much
I havent goten pregnant like this but the sperm can live upto 5 days if in a good enviroment, if you used preseed this is good for keeping them alive and healthy so it COULD be possible. Good luck xxx

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Hi Helen,

I think it is possible. When I got pregnant in November hubby had been away first week and I was really Ill when he got back and we only dtd on the 27th. This was CD8. I didn't use opk's or anything then but I got a +ve opk today on CD16, so if I ovulated around the same time in Nov, they hung around for a good few days!!x
thank you so much ladies, the fact is my husband doesn't want to have sex in my fertile period so that is why I was asking. would day 9 be a lot more succesfull? will this make a big difference. I am talking about late at night on that day. will the preseed actually also make the sperm live longer in the uterus and fallopian tubes or is this only possible close to ovulation whilst you have eggwhite stretchy cervical mucus?

sorry for so many questions.
Why doesn't he want to have sex when you are fertile hun? x
Why doesn't he want to have sex when you are fertile hun? x

he told me after my bfn that he wasn't into having a third one anymore and that I should just forget it. he is scared it will be costly:wall2: so he wants to have sex unprotected but have sex with a condom during the fertile days. I think he is f*cked up because he also told me he loves our kids and if I were to get pregnant by accident he would be happy and love the child jus as much as the other two we already have because then it is ment to be. so I want to help the ment to be part a bit:whistle: but he knows I temp and that I ovulate around day 14ish usually.
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Fake an early ov lmfao xx

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Fake an early ov lmfao xx

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I was thinfking of saying day 9 is day 8 and then let the nextperiod start two days later (if I am not pregnant) I use a menstrual cup so I can mask it (alhtough when I got my period last week he asked me because he said he some some blood in the toilet (at the bottom)which would mean I could then have sex at day 11 which would make itore likely to felloregnant and then leave the period at 28daysso this means I would have intercourse on day9 this cycle but on day 11 allthe next cycles. I am temping and he looks at it too so I cannot say now at day 7 that I got my ov already and he doesn't want to do anything a day after the ovulation which would make it more unlikely to fell pregnant if let's say I would fake an ovulation tomorrow but putting up a higher temp I think???

is day 11 a good day? i usually ovulate between cd13 and up to day 15, perhaps day 12 is better?
errmmm are you wanting to to try for a baby against your husbands wishes? it takes two to make such an important decision. imagine how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot?
errmmm are you wanting to to try for a baby against your husbands wishes? it takes two to make such an important decision. imagine how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot?

Agree, there's ntnp when both agree but there's a bit too much trickery going on here I think x
he all of a sudden tod me he didn't want to try for it actively yes I agree on that but he also said if I were to get another baby without us actuvely trying he would like the baby just as kuch as our other children so that is wuite odd to me.
I think you maybe need to sit down and have a proper talk with your husband if I'm being honest. Think it's a hell of ALOT to take on all by yourself just hope he won't turn on you if u get a BFP
I think maybe you need to talk to him rather than deceive him, it may come back to haunt you and it should be a joint decision. He may come round if you talk to him.
Yeah and I think the fact he doesn't want to bd on your fertile days speaks volumes if I'm honest.
I understand it must be torture to want to ttc when oh doesn't :hugs: x
I have to agree with the other girls when I say you should sit down and have a serious talk with him. Find out the reasons he feels like not ttc. By talking it through you may be able to clear some of his worries. It os nopt nice to be deceived - trust me, I have beem on the receiving end of deception. And having your loved one plotting and planning behind your back hurts when you find out.
I can only imagine how you feel after being told that but also agree that deceiving him might be something you regret later. I would take some time off from temping and try go with the flow. Hope things work out for you both xx

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