Pregnant smokers?


Jan 2, 2014
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Hi all,

Touchy subject I would like to raise with you all.

I am a 20 a day smoker. I tried to give up at the start of last year and spend 4 months in a living hell suffering with severe anxiety to the point I risked loosing my job as I couldn't get out of bed as I felt so terribly ill. This was despite nicotine patches. It got so unbearable I started smoking again and the anxiety went almost immediately.

My worry is that when I am pregnant ideally I would like to give up but I am terrified of the consequences going by my last experience.

What is the advice doctors usually give? Would it be OK to cut down? I know it is best to stop all together but if this is not possible??

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you xxxxxxxx
i was a smoker when i was pregnant with my daughter and yeh i felt really guilty but i cut down alot and between 10-20 weeks could hardly smoke due to really bad morn sickness, my daughter is here and well and now 3 years old :-) i am now a non-smoker stopped 18 months ago and i really do missed it but best thing i ever done and cause i used the stop smoking tabs if i smoke now im really ill lol xx
I smoked 15 a day right upto when I got my BFP

It was hard for the first few weeks but what I did was benefit my health and my babies

Smoking is a disgusting habit when not pregnant but there is something very selfish from my eyes with regards to a pregnant lady smoking - it is the worst thing to see when out and about

If I can quit anyone can- saying that I think you should explore help with your anxiety from a professional as that's the route cause of your smoking- sort that and quitting the fags itself should be alittle easier

Cutting down is good but still inconsiderate to your babies health aswell as your own - oh and the cost of a packet of fags a day being +7 quid - that's 2600 a year on cancer sticks - which could be spent on a holiday or anything towards your baby

Sorry to be abit blunt - it's a very sensitive subject :)
I started smoking after my 3rd mc and am smoking around 20 now. I feel so guilty about smoking when ttc and am planning on stopping from now pretty much but as you know it is very hard xxx
I would go and make an appt with your GP as it sounds as if your underlying anxiety may need to be treated to succesfully give up smoking. Also cognitive behavioural therapy may be offered and may be effective. Make sure you tell your GP not just about the giving up smoking but also about your anxiety when you gave up. Good luck. xxxx
I smoked until I got pregnant with my nearly 5 year old. but had cut down in the weeks leading up, not that he was planned just got fed up with spending the money. but when I went to the midwife she said if I wanted to I could go to a stop smoking clinic, I could but I gave up on my own. the morning sickness helped!
Im pleased you started this thread. I have cut down (yest and today) and am getting some patches delivered tomorrow :) (half price in tesco!) xxx
It is a very touchy subject but I think its good to share ideas and help other people in similar situations! I am thinking of using the electronic cigarette to replace some of my real cigarettes. xxx
I've heard many people, including medical staff, say it's better to cut down but still have the physical relief of a naughty draw from time to time than make your baby suffer from your withdrawal. I'm a smoker and can't give up yet, however when I was pregnant my body simply stopped craving the nicotine and started craving healthy foods instead.
Leanne, the electronic cigarette is probably a very good idea. I thought pregnant women were advised against it though?
I can vouch for e-cigs... Definitely worth a shot and will make cutting down a lot easier. Also, read Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking - it is sheer genius and made me quit instantly xx
I tried an e-cig and it tasted very strange.
It is a touchy subject but i think a lot of people are affected but maybe worried about the reaction if they post about it xxx
I'm ttc and have been using the e-cig to help me quit. I'm currently down on the lowest nicotine 1.1% and am planning on going down to the 0% cartridges in a few weeks. I def haven't suffered the major cravings like I did last time I quit (using lozenges) but am def 'smoking' less. It does taste a bit weird and it isn't the same as smoking actual cigarettes, but I'm taking those as good things!! Once I'm onto the 0% cartridges I'm planning on phasing out using the e-cig altogether, but doing baby steps! Good luck with your quit, however you plan to do it. Xx
If you don't think you are ready to give up just yet - then stop ttc. You can always try again once you are an ex smoker.

I gave up a few months before falling pregnant - I cut down to 5 a day, then moved to an E-Cig, then after 4 weeks of using that, I gave up completely. If I can do it - anyone can. It is all about mind set and how much you really want something.

This is a very touchy subject, but my honest opinion is that smoking whilst pregnant is a very selfish thing to do. Every cigarette you smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and with every puff you take, you restrict the oxygen supply to your little force their tiny little hearts to beat faster to cope with the shock of this. There are so many health issues linked with pregnancy and smoking!

There are so many methods of help out there these days - it's even easier to quit - but you have to really want to do it, in order for it to succeed!

Wishing you so much luck with quitting xxx

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