pregnant smokers stories

My mum smoked with all 3 of her pregnancies, we came out at 9.8 9.6 and 10.3 none of us have breathing problems. My sister smoked through her pregnancy, had a 5lber, but no breathing problems.

Other people have problems linked to smoking. It;s a gamble. There are risks that everyone has to face, some are more preventable than others, depends on how much you are able to prevent them.

I gave up smoking duirng my first pregnancy by using nictoyine replacement products, and smoked the occasional ciggarette and 3 days after I had him, I went back to smoking properly.

With this pregnancy, I had given up months before I got pregnant (for myself really, we were not expecting to be able t to have any more children due to an opertaion that went wrong on my husband). If you are struggling with quitting, I would reccomend Alan Carrs Easy Way to stop smoking book. I smoked since I was 13 and with the exception of my first pregnancy have smoked around 20 - 40 a day I gave up when I was 30 just by reading the book.

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