Pregnant or paranoid?


New Member
Sep 6, 2016
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Literally struggling me to remember when my last period was but I do think I am 1-2 weeks late.
Not sure whether I actually had symptoms before I realised I was late or whether my mind has fabricated them since wondering when my last period was.....

- metallic taste in mouth
-sore nipples
- period cramps
- some tiredness but tbh in quite a tired person.

I will take a test to rule out. But I was just wondering whether anyone has experience the same? Now that I have been thinking about the possibility I do want it to be positive, which is a new emotion for me!

Can anyone offer advice?
The only way to know is to test, your symptoms could be pregnancy but they could also be impending period. If you think you are late a test should be accurate at whatever time of day you take it, ie you don't need to wait and use first morning urine. Hope you get the result that you want!
Thank you for the response. Just did a test and it was negative, I did miss aim and get it all over the result indicator tho. But I'm sure the result was accurate...
I have a second one so I can test again to be on the safe side.
Then just await the period in due course I guess.
I like to catch my pee in a cup and then test as I find it easier!
Did another one this morning and negative. Can now add constipation and bloating to my uncomforts! Hopefully period will come this week and all of the discomforts will go along with it. Just feels so strange as there's a niggling feeling that I could be pregnant. Bizarre how the mind works!!
Did another one this morning and negative. Can now add constipation and bloating to my uncomforts! Hopefully period will come this week and all of the discomforts will go along with it. Just feels so strange as there's a niggling feeling that I could be pregnant. Bizarre how the mind works!!

Hey. I just want to share my story with you. I had missed a period and did not have too many symptoms other than fatigue and metallic taste , esp. when drinking coffee. I took urine tests. They were all negative. I went to the doc. after I was a week late. THey did urine tests. All negative. They ordered a blood test STAT that turned out positive with 133,000 hcg. Scan showed 6 week fetus. Good heartbeat. Just think about that for a minute. It might be good to be sure, esp. after missing a period. Yikes.

One time, I had a false positive. That sucked. I wasted money. But overall my false negatives were way more prevalent.
Thank you for your message and for sharing your experience :)
I've been up most the night with awful cramps and nausea and apmwthing doesn't feel right. I'm going to give it a week and if still no period I will go to the doctors anyway. Best to go and have a chat than to worry, just getting an appointment is a nightmare and I don't particularly rate mr GP.
Just so irritating. I don't feel particularly anxious or worried about it. Yet I'm still having rouble sleeping etc. Suppose I could be worried sub consciously.
Hey! I just read your last post and I'm curious how things have unfolded. I have been in the exact same boat! It's unsettling. I have severe nausea mostly in the middle of the night with cramping. I have several other symptoms consistent with pregnancy. I feel like I am on my period but only have discharge. I went in for a blood test today but won't know until tomorrow. I hope all is well for you!

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