Pregnant and Petrified!


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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Hello Everyone! I'm new round here and found this forum by doing a simple google search. I was just looking for somewhere to let off steam really.

I found out I was pregnant just over a week ago (even though it feels like a lifetime ago now) and I'm about 6 weeks gone. My partner and I have been trying for 14 months and it's finally happened! But now I'm absolutely petrified of miscarrying. I can't let myself think further than 8 weeks. I can't imagine myself having a 12 week scan, I can't imagine myself getting bigger and I most definitely can't picture myself with a baby! It's as if I've convinced myself that it is going to happen - I think that's the only way I can cope with it. If it does happen I know I have prepared myself for it.

I also don't really feel pregnant. What it's supposed to feel like I don't know because I've never been pregnant before, but I thought I'd feel different. I've been quite emotional, very constipated and crampy and I keep getting pain in my back and hips. But apart from that - nothing. And I don't even know if that's normal. Is it normal?

Because of the stomach ache from my *ahem* toilet troubles, I can't relax because I don't know whether it's stomach ache or miscarriage pain. I'm obsessively checking for bleeding, and I brace myself every time I go to the toilet. People say that miscarriage feels like period pain, but I've never had a period pain in my life, so I wouldn't know what that feels like.

I want to be, and kind of am, very happy that I'm finally pregnant, but I just can't bring myself to believe that I'm really going to have a baby at the end of it.

Oh god, I'm really going on with myself! Sorry, I'm just ranting. It's kind of comforting.
I can't tell you the relief I feel after reading your post. I am EXACTLY the same! I'm 7 weeks now, have know for 2 weeks
and am constantly thinking about it, and checking when I go to the loo. I don't have many symptoms either except extreme tiredness
and sore boobs. Had some cramping and the this morning a couple of sharper pains that made me panic!
Feel bad for my husband as I can tell he wants to be excited but won't show it because he knows I think something's going
to go wrong. Haven't had appointment through for midwife yet either which is playing on my mind.
I've been told what we're feeling is normal which I know is true but it doesn't change how you feel at this moment in time.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know you're not alone xxx
Hi, well congrats first all and welcome! Secondly take a deep breath and relax some. There are a lot of people on here who feel the same so your not alone in that respect. I had a mmc last year and have been scared its going to happen again but ive since come to discover that its something that you cant change so enjoy the ride and work towards little goal such as reaching 8 weeks, then your booking appt, scan etc. Everyone's pregnancy is different and some people get a lot of symptoms and some non! If your not getting morning sickness dont panic, i havent had any apart from feeling sick and that got worse over time and with me is now starting to ease off. Constipation and cramps are very normal too, there are a lot of posts on here about cramping and ive had them on and off since i found out 5 weeks ago. If you had 'period' pains too from a mc i think you'd know, to me it feels like being kicked in the stomach but lower down. The girls on here are fantastic and always willing to help and most if not all the questions you have and want answering will of been asked and if not...ask! Again congrats and enjoy!
Rach: It's so good to know I'm not alone! We'll have to keep each other posted! :)

Jem: It's so good to know that even though all these people are miles away all over the country, there is support out there for what ever might happen. Thank you! :)
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Hi sweetie.

I'm exactly the same. We've been trying for a long time and now I'm petrified.

I'm having quite sharp cramps if I move quickly. From the ridiculous amounts of reading I've done online they sound exactly like round ligament pain. But that still doesn't stop me worrying.

I can't see how I'll make it to my booking appt (month today) or my 12 weeks scan.

I just want it to be past 12 weeks so I can be excited! I just want someone to tell me it's all going to be OK. :(

This is all perfectly normal I know, we just have to try to be more positive and calm.

I'm tempted to pay for an early scan. But I'm so worried they won't see anything. :(
I want an early scan too, just to put my mind at rest. It's an awfully terrible thing to do and I'd never have the guts to do it myself (even though I wish I did!) but if you tell your doctor that you've had some spotting and a bit of pain, they might refer you for an early scan. It's sooo bad, I know, but honestly, if I had the guts to do it, I would! The stress is worse for the baby than a little white lie and a big dose of reassurance! I'm so naughty :/
Please never lie about bleeding and pain, it takes valuable services away from ladies who actually are mis carrying and need those slots urgently.
If you want an early scan you can get a private one cheap enough from around 7 weeks.

Firstly congrats on your pregnancy, and welcome to tri 1 ... its a very scary and diffcult time, especially in the early stages.

Secondly, I have to agree with Cos ... lying about bleeding and pain is just not right, like she said, you can book a private early scan if you need it for reassurance. If the worst does happen, you wouldn't be happy if you couldn't get in for a scan because someone had lied to get an early one?

Thirdly - we are all there / have been exactly where you are, but we are all here to give advice and support through your pregnancy, so ask away.

Pregnancy was completely new to me, I experienced period type cramps up until 7-8 weeks and also had bleeding from 5-10 weeks, but all was perfectly fine - but all these symptoms were completely new to me.

Don't expect to "feel pregnant" straight away. It can take a while for symptoms to kick in, and be aware that not everyone gets morning sickness (only about 50% of women) - count yourself lucky if you dont!

Try to enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible and relax. Read the forum and you'll learn a lot and hopefully it will put your mind at ease xx
Welcome and grats.
Your not alone - I still check everytime I go to the loo.

But please please please please never lie about pain and spotting. It's not a nice thing at all when it does happen to you and you get rushed in to be told your miscarrying.

Your symptoms will come - if they don't then your a lucky bugger and can enjoy it :D

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