Pregnant after recent miscarriage


Active Member
Jun 24, 2017
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Hi ladies, I'm new to the group and looking for advise and some words
Of encouragement!

Long story short, I have two children 7 & 9, I suffer with severe endometriosis and had a planned hysterectomy for April it's kind of taken me 7 years to get my head around having no more children. In Jan 17 I found out I was pregnant I couldn't quite believe my luck, unfortunately it wasn't meant to be and i was told at 8 weeks my pregnant was non viable and had a D&C.. fast forward to now and by some kind of miracle I am pregnant again 6+2 I haven't told anyone but my partner because we don't want to jinx it! I haven't even called the midwife to book in to see her because I'm so frightened she might tell me bad news! I'm really trying to put it to the back of my mind for at least a week or two and then maybe call for an early scan as by then I'm hoping they may be able to give me some good news.. has anyone else been through this? I just want to feel like everything is ok.. I would love to hear back from you guys. Xxxx
Congratulations!!! Sorry to hear about your angel baby Hun.

I'm in a similar situation... we have been ttc for two years and finally got our bfp end of Jan and then went on to have an ectopic fast forward to today and I'm 6+5 we had an early scan due to the ectopic started off with just a gestation sac and then we saw our little Rainbow Baby and a beautiful heartbeat we have one more scan on Friday.

I would say contact your epu and see if they will scan you as you've previously had a d&c if they won't maybe a private scan to reassure you.
I hope all goes well wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xxx
Thanks so much for the reply, congratulations to you too! It's such a worry isn't it, you are right I should get in touch with them I'm just frightened of the bad news again, I had no symptoms with miscarriage last time so nothing is reassuring. The first 12 weeks are such a worry aren't they. Fingers crossed everything goes well with you xxxxxx
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