Pregnant after miscarriage with no period


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Hi there, just wondered if anyone has any advice or has been through anything similar?

I've just found out am pregnant after an early miscarriage 4 weeks ago. I tested a week after the misacrriage and it was was completely negitive and when I tested today I had a faint line, done another test later on and that was the same.

I'm just worrying as the hospital told me to wait at least a month before trying again (this was my second misscariage) but I never listened as we have been trying for ages, I didn't think it would happen again so quickly.

Anyone been through anything similar? Thanks so much x
is it definatly a new pregnancy? i would check with docs and do another test in case it is residual hormones just to be sure, good luck hun i really hope it is a genuine positive and hope this time all goes well xxx
Yep I waited a week since I last tested and had a really strong line within seconds of doing the test this time. Thanks for your support :) xx
Yep I waited a week since I last tested and had a really strong line within seconds of doing the test this time. Thanks for your support :) xx
then i am sending you all the well wishes for this one to go smooth, it is obviousoly meant to be xxx
Thanks so much.

I just hope I've not put myself at risk for another miscarriage because I couldn't wait. I have much stronger symptoms this time though so fingers crossed. Thanks again xxx
Fingers crossed for you hunni, congratulations xx
Alot of people get pregnant straight after miscarriage so i wouldn't worry about getting pregnant too soon xxx
Mm I got pregnant weeks after a MC and am 16 weeks Wednesday, I still worry but remain hopeful! Good luck chick and be blessed xx
Thanks everyone. Hopefully i'll be able to get a scan soon just to confirm everythings ok xx
My friend got pregnant after a miscarriage with no period in-between and her pregnancy was fine :)
Wow...I know this is quite an old post but your story is exactly the same as mine!! I had mc 1st march and tested negative and confirmed at scan a week later that all products were gone..then tested positive thursday!! I have had 2 miscarriages so far and Im wondering if Im now at risk for a third :( xx
I got pg straight after mc with no period in between.
Gp told me to keep trying if I wanted to and didn't have to wait.
People are giving really conflicting advice arent they? I was told under no circumstances not to try and get pg straight after mc and I did as I was told lol. I would have loved to have tried straight away, suppose different dr's give different advice xx

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