Pregnant after miscarrage

Jen K

New Member
Dec 13, 2006
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I'm pregnant just over 6 weeks, been worried sick all day as I lost my first at around this time. Can't seem to relax and get thoughts out of my head, feel like I'm going a bit mad at the moment. People keep telling me to not think about it, but I'm not finding it that easy.
Hey Jen

I know how you're feeling - I've just found out I'm PG again after having a M/C just over a month ago. Just try to remember that every pregnancy is different - you are no more likely to have a M/C this time just because you had one last time.

I swing between trying to enjoy what I'm experiencing now, without getting my hopes up, but I just keep telling myself that I cannot do anything to control this, so there is nothing to be gained from stressing about it. If anything, we should try to relax and remain positive to create a happier environment for the little one! :wink:

PM me if you want to talk about it, I've found it helps to talk to someone who has been through the same thing :hug:

Rachie XX
Hiya Jen

Congrats on the PG!!!!

I mc my first baby at 6 weeks too. I was very nervous this time round, but oddly felt some relief when I passed D-Day.

It is natural to be worried if you have had a negative experience, but hard as it is, try and keep positive. All preganancies are different!

:wave: hi ladies i know what your on about i to suffered 2 M/C's last year both a really early... so i was so nervous when i found out i was pregnant again.. especially round the same time i was last year with my first... but some how i tryed to stay positive and I've made it too 14weeks and 1 day :cheer: and feeling good... but after i had my 12 week scan i'm still thinking something wrong :? but i'm just waiting for my 20 weeks scan......... which is a long way ahead :?

but it is hard to stay positive but we can do it and we'll see the most beautiful results at the end :D and then everything will seem wonduful... :D

congrats girl and keep :D :D
Hi hun i really understand what you mean i miscarried about 3 months ago at 10 weeks and im terrified this time round, its natural for you to think like that (iv been going mad since the day i found out i was preg again and still am). Im not going to be able to relax until iv got this baby in my arms, it is something that people do say not to think about but how can you not.

Anyway like the girls have said its really unlikely that you will miscarry again, so look after yourself and soon you will start to relax again. Sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and if you need to chat you know where we all are. :hug: xx xxxxx
Thanks a lot for your replies,it really helps to be able to speak to people who know exactly how i'm feeling right now. I'm feeling a lot more positive today and I've got an early app with a midwife tomorrow.
Congratualions Jen that's fantastic news. And the changes of it happening again are very slim.

I just found out this morning that I'm pg I m/c are 7.5 weeks back in May so know exactly how you feel but like the others say every pregnancy is different and you just have to enjoy it. Best of luck.

Sorry your feeling this way hun, try not to think about it as hard as that is and before you know it you will be having your bean

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