

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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Is anyone actually enjoying it???

Seems to me we all knackered and/or in pain and those further ahead of us just saying it's gonna get worse.

Personally, I get travel sick and am up through the night to p but thats it. Apart from a few silly worries I'm finding this pregnancy fine but feel I'm in the minority!!

I did have a sore pelvis but it's cleared up and an odd headache but thats gone now too :cheer:

Anyone else?
Although I'm not pregnant any more I really enjoyed my pregnancy. I moaned as much as anyone else but I still loved every minute of it! I think half the fun is in the moaning!
I am very fed up of it now. Apart from the amazing fact that I have grown a baby from nothing, I can't wait for it to be over now, especially at this stage! Am fed up of it hurting when I stand, roll etc. needing the loo in the middle of the night, heartburn blah blah blah...I have had a really easy pregnancy otherwise!
I love feeling my baby move but will love cuddling it in the flesh more!!!
I don't think you're in the minority. We all have little niggles from time to time, but generally, I think most of us are enjoying this amazing experience. I certainly am! :D
I love it all the whole! i know i will miss my bump!

I just have the odd really bad day but then again i do love to moan :D
is a hard thing for our bodys to go through.. im loving being pregnant.. espeically the last few im showing and feeling it hard.. i know from ehre on in we just get bigger, heavier and tireder.. but its amazing.. its absolutly such an amazing thing for us to do :)
If I weigh things up I'd saying loving it wins, but there is definitely a downside with the aches and pains which I could do without. Knowing I'm going to have a child of my own to hold afterwards though helps me through it :)
I am loving it so far :D Did have awful morning sickness at the start but can't remember how bad that was now!
emma28 said:
Is anyone actually enjoying it???

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: sorry :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :oops:

I hated being pregnant the first time... I hate being pregnant just as much this time round... and I actually think, other than being more tired, this time round has been easier... my body seems to "know" what it's doing this time where last time it was such a shock to the system. :think: Although this time I have been sicker, it's been easier to handle even though I've had another little one to care for. Its very strange.

Plus I am impatient... i hate waiting and that is all you seem to do during pregnancy... Wait.. :x :x I also hate surprises... I like things to be ordered and planned out and well having a baby, doesn't matter how many scans you have, its still a surprise, everything is...

Love having babies though... :) Being pregnant is just a means to an another reason why I'm not afraid of giving birth... because that means ITS FINALLY OVER :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Im not enjoying being pregnant this time round, The lack of energy sickness and backache plus all the other niggles has been enough for me to make sure that this time is my last.

Im really impatient to see my baby and cant wait till January but i do think that a really hellish pregnancy and 3 other kids to run after is mother natures way of telling you that you have done enough to sustain the human race.
i'm very happy to be pregnant... not go as far as to say am loving being pregnant though..... i'm starting to really struggle gettig comfy now and the tiredness has kicked in again... all in all though I dont have it that bad
Overall I'd say I'm enjoying it. The whole thing fascinates me to be honest. I just can't believe all this is going on inside my body without any help from me :D

I do have my down moments though. I'm just getting to the point where I'm starting to feel BIG. People are shocked when I tell them I'm not due till January!

I'm only 5 ft 2 inches and am quite petite, and am carrying everything at the front (you can't tell I'm pregnant from behind!). Hence I'm finding the extra weight and bulk a bit hard on my back and get tired and out of breath very easily.

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