Pregnancy tests


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Are Internet cheapie's any good? My first and only 1 i ever used was a clear blue digital so now I may use a cheapie then use my digital as a confirmation x

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Im not 100% but think the chepies are ok if you use them when your AF is due (or after) but if you are a Test Maniac LOL! Then think the top brands (like first response) are better. Some to get a early sign with chepies tho?? x
The cheapies are 10miU so they're one of the most sensitive types you can get. I got lines at 10dpo with Toby and 11dpo this time with them. Definitely worth getting if you're as desperate to test as I always am by 7dpo :blush:
I used cheapies both times and got faints before period was due by a few days and then darker afterwards x

I only used a clearblue first time with Leo as wanted it in writing. Not bothered this time didn't see the point as I had a defo two lines on cheapie x
Lol I don't suppose one would show 2 days after ovulation :) I'll wait until AF is due until I use a cheapie saves maybe some disappointment due to low HCG then use a digital one as confirmation x

:dust: :dust: :dust:
I got faints with my 10ml internet cheapie really early in cycle too & there super dark now & i am 4wks 3 days, so i reckon there really good. ( First reponce ) are really really good, there 12ml but the test strip one step 10ml are cheapier & you can get 25 for the price of one first responce test x
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Thats mad, you would think the cheapies are not as good.....interesting! So you will get a better reading on a cheap One step one than a say First Response? x
You will get a very very faint on a one step but it leaves you with that confusion of am i pregnant i think i am & you test more & more till you get your darker positive, its good that they pick up a faint line so early. The first responce give me a really good line where the one step give me only a faint but i reckon my urine was too diluted at the time. x
The digis are only sensitive to 25miu and so dont pick it up until you are due af.

I love the cheapies becuase it means you can test more often to get your fix. Even a neg lets you breathe a bit and calm down until the next time.
:) x Daisy
That's how I felt too Daisy! I always started testing at 7dpo, never saw anything that early but it didn't stop me hoping that there might be a line a few days later. When you do see something it's nice that they're cheap enough that you can do another 4 that day to make sure :blush: ..and see the lines getting darker over the next few days x
I ordered two clear blue digis and two cheapies off ebay last night for under a tenner delivered, bagrin I thought, I want more cheapies now after read this tho thinking ill be testing early this month lol

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