Pregnancy Support Belts


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2016
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The last 2 days I have had bad lower back pain thinking it is the body loosing so hoping one of these might help.....

Has anyone got one?... do they help with lower back pain can you show a picture of the one that works for you if you have one.
I have a Serola SI belt which was recommended to me by my chiropractor. They cost around £35. I have been having sacroiliac joint pain (very lower back) since 15 weeks. Chiropractor, belt, icing joints and the exercises I've been given are all helping.
Aww Claire you poor thing glad it's somewhat better for you, it sounds awful how far on our you now and is the pain constant?... I am hoping this is a one off and goes away itself if not I will ask to be seen with someone.
I am 20 weeks now.
No, it isn't constant, thank god!! Really bizarre actually. Don't even know I've got it during the day, however it's absolutely horrendous at night. The ice packs, belt etc are all done to minimise the effects when I get into bed. I am now sleeping on a nest of pillows as it's much kinder on my hips than the mattress.

It is worrying as only half way. I am slim and virtually no bump so it's not caused by weight at all.

Midwife at 16 week appointment said if it continued to go to GP and get referred to physio. However, everything I read said chiro or osteopath actually far more effective and I wasn't prepared to wait weeks.

Hope yours doesn't get too bad.
I'd try asking someone to squeeze your hips together when you are lying on your back and try lifting each leg slowly one at a time. If it is easier to do with your hips being sqeezed then a band will probably help, but if its not you may find it's not of any use xx

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