Pregnancy of unknown location and now bleeding

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi ladies

Looking for some advice. So i tested positive 2 weeks ago today (i was a week overdue on period) i have a copper IUD in place so went to the doctors the following day.

I was sent for a scan on 10th Feb which found no pregnancy. I had 3 blood tests over the next 6 days which showed my hcg doubling every 2 days.

I went to A&E on Monday with pains on one side and was admitted, i was sent for a scan yesterday that also failed to detect a sac.

I was discharged from hospital at 4pm yesterday and booked for a re scan next Friday. Last night a had some watery pinky blood which turned brown this morning but I've just been to the loo again and its now red blood like the start of a period, i have some mild cramping on and off.

How long will it take for the heavier bleeding and cramping? Do i need to call the early pregnancy unit and let them know? Would you still attend the scan next week?

Sorry for all the questions xx
Hi jo jo. Sorry to hear you're going through this. I've not really got any answers for you as everyone is different re the bleeding. Also it may just turn into a normal period for you. I'd give EPAU a call in the days before your scan to get their opinion on whether they want to see you x
hi jo jo hope your ok x i had this two weeks ago started bleeding brown went for scan and couldn't see anything i was bleeding for 2 week really light though. my hcg was rising then dropped was told i had mc haven't had any more follow ups with a scan need to go back monday for more hcg checked
Sorry to hear that mommyto2 xx

I have been bleeding now since Tuesday night, no pains and no clots but it is red blood. I haven't called the early pregnancy unit as yet, i already have a pre booked scan for next Friday so i will still attend and guess i will know more from there about whats happening xx
Hello lovely <3 Firstly i would just like to say i hope you are okay and I am really sorry for jumping the thread. But I am going through this myself at the moment, so any advice/information would be greatly appreciated!
Okay here goes&#8230; So, I found out I was pregnant on Saturday 25th Feb&#8230; obviously was over the moon. Went to GP the following Wednesday, got referred for midwife etc (woulda been 5 weeks on that Wednesday 1st march), on the Thursday started spotting &#8211; long story short then just went downhill from there. Was at A + E on the Sunday (5th April), they couldn&#8217;t tell me much so referred me to the early pregnancy unit. Went there on the Tuesday (7th) for bloods, bloods were showing a low level of the pregnancy hormone, so again they couldn&#8217;t really confirm much, had to go back in 48 hours for more bloods, in that time I&#8217;d got worse and lost more blood etc &#8211; my bloods showed the hormone level dropping &#8211; so they confirmed we were losing the baby. Had to go back after another 48 hours to make sure the levels carried on decreasing &#8211; they didn&#8217;t, they got higher &#8211; which is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy&#8230; went back on Monday to see if my level is coming down and had a scan, scan showed there was no sign of a normal pregnancy left, but my hormone was still rising (gradually, which is deffo the sign of ectopic) &#8211; so basically they had me come back in on Monday to see a senior doctor who confirmed it is a &#8216;pregnancy of unknown location&#8217; &#8211; which is basically like a 1% chance of that happening!?! Ffs. I&#8217;m not in any immediate danger as such, but I am going to be closely monitored as they are hopeful my hormone level will just come down on its own as my body gets rid of the pregnancy &#8211; if it doesn&#8217;t then they may have to intervene, either a drug or worst worst case scenario keyhole surgery &#8211; potentially even removal of a fallopian tube. Really hoping it doesn&#8217;t come to that. Just devastated really and in shock. It was hard enough dealing with a regular miscarriage, but now the loom of this is just the worst L hoping it resolves on its own and that there is minimal lasting damage and we can go on to conceive normally. just trying to keep my mind occupied whilst resting?!!? L just so sad.
Thought I'd jump this thread and try and help you as I've been through this, again sorry to the person who started this thread. Mine went on for weeks on end, endless scans, hcg levels, they could never locate where the baby actually was so they treated me with methotrexate, as my hcg was low then continued to rise at a very slow rate. They kept telling me if i get considerable pain to go straight in as could be rupturing, luckily i never had much pain with it just bleeding and luckily was successfully treated with methotrexate as it would not resolve itself naturally. I really hope you're ok and hope it resolves itself, it's a very worrying time! X x
Thought I'd jump this thread and try and help you as I've been through this, again sorry to the person who started this thread. Mine went on for weeks on end, endless scans, hcg levels, they could never locate where the baby actually was so they treated me with methotrexate, as my hcg was low then continued to rise at a very slow rate. They kept telling me if i get considerable pain to go straight in as could be rupturing, luckily i never had much pain with it just bleeding and luckily was successfully treated with methotrexate as it would not resolve itself naturally. I really hope you're ok and hope it resolves itself, it's a very worrying time! X x

Really sorry for your loss my lovey <3
That seems to be what is happening with us, almost 2 weeks of it so far! Same with pain etc, really hoping it resolves on its own but I can't see how :(
Do you mind me asking how long ago that was & if you've conceived since? Xxxx
I've been through exactly the same girls - paid for a private scan at 7 weeks and they couldn't find anything. The hospital could see a mass in my right tube and an empty sac in my uterus, so it got changed to a suspected ectopic. A scan a week later said the mass had doubled in size, so I was prepared for surgery that day. Once my hcg lresults were back, and had gone down, they decided the growing mass wasn't important! Ironically the following day I started to bleed...
I was really worried about lasting damage, but got pregnant 2 months after the bleeding stopped.
The worse thing is the not knowing, the having to still be 'pregnant' but without a baby, and the lack of closure until the very end....they told me we will probably never really know what happened, which is no great comfort!
There will be an end in sight, and I never thought I would wish for the day my body would have picked up on it and miscarried 'normally'!
Good luck and look after yourself xxx
I've been through exactly the same girls - paid for a private scan at 7 weeks and they couldn't find anything. The hospital could see a mass in my right tube and an empty sac in my uterus, so it got changed to a suspected ectopic. A scan a week later said the mass had doubled in size, so I was prepared for surgery that day. Once my hcg lresults were back, and had gone down, they decided the growing mass wasn't important! Ironically the following day I started to bleed...
I was really worried about lasting damage, but got pregnant 2 months after the bleeding stopped.
The worse thing is the not knowing, the having to still be 'pregnant' but without a baby, and the lack of closure until the very end....they told me we will probably never really know what happened, which is no great comfort!
There will be an end in sight, and I never thought I would wish for the day my body would have picked up on it and miscarried 'normally'!
Good luck and look after yourself xxx

This has made me cry - in a good way I think. You just know, you know what's in my mind! I feel exactly like that. <3 thank you for sharing. Hoping with all my heart we will go on to have a healthy baby. So looking forward to this all being 'over' :(
I've been through exactly the same girls - paid for a private scan at 7 weeks and they couldn't find anything. The hospital could see a mass in my right tube and an empty sac in my uterus, so it got changed to a suspected ectopic. A scan a week later said the mass had doubled in size, so I was prepared for surgery that day. Once my hcg lresults were back, and had gone down, they decided the growing mass wasn't important! Ironically the following day I started to bleed...
I was really worried about lasting damage, but got pregnant 2 months after the bleeding stopped.
The worse thing is the not knowing, the having to still be 'pregnant' but without a baby, and the lack of closure until the very end....they told me we will probably never really know what happened, which is no great comfort!
There will be an end in sight, and I never thought I would wish for the day my body would have picked up on it and miscarried 'normally'!
Good luck and look after yourself xxx

This has made me cry - in a good way I think. You just know, you know what's in my mind! I feel exactly like that. <3 thank you for sharing. Hoping with all my heart we will go on to have a healthy baby. So looking forward to this all being 'over' :(

Aww, crying is good, and especially when you realise you are not alone. What you are feeling is completely normal, and it will get easier over time, I promise...I wanted answers and was pushing for further scans to try and identify damage that may have been caused - and here I am 11 weeks pregnant. They gave me a scan at 6 weeks and everything was in the right place, and even though I haven't had my 12 week scan, I'm hoping this is my happy ending. And yours will come too! Just got to get through this properly shit bit first! Anytime you need to sound off, you know where are xxxx
I am constantly crying at the mo! Cry - get angry - feel numb .. repeat! Just awful! Thank you so so much for sharing your experience, it really is a comfort, especially as this is something so out of the ordinary. I've always read up on everything (well, I thought ...) but then this is just something else!!! I am keeping everything crossed for you my love, but this sounds like your happy ending <3 xxxx thank you xxx
Sorry for the delay, this happened in April 2016, fell pregnant again in July 2016 miscarried that one, fell pregnant again in December, thought I'd done it this time got to 11+1 but baby died at 10+3, we are absolutely devastated, had an erpc 2 weeks ago, we're now paying private for recurrent miscarriage testing as my Hospital have been useless! So yes I've fallen pregnant but keeping hold of them is a different matter! Touch wood I'll fall pregnant again and hopefully make it next time, but getting this testing done first and go from there. Fingers crossed!

How are you feeling today? X x
Oh Hun I'm so sorry :'( that terrifies me! I can't imagine how you're feeling lovely. I hope the testing gives you some answers xxxx
I just feel unstable I'll be honest, I just don't feel myself at all. We have a family lunch to go to and I just don't want to :( but I know I need to just put my big girl pants on and face the world! I just want my body back at the moment that's what I'm struggling with the most I think. I can reason with myself and say that this bean wasn't made for the world right now, but I just feel completely not myself?!
Honestly what you are describing is how i felt, i couldn't get my head around the unknown location bit, i was thinking well where is it?!

This loss for me a few weeks ago has been the hardest, it's arms and legs were forming, i had an early scan at 8 weeks and the baby was healthy with a heartbeat which is why i thought all would be ok, only to have a bleed at 11 weeks and baby had died at 10 weeks, i will never trust my body ever again with this! Even an early scan with a heartbeat which is the most concrete thing you can have to tell you things are ok and it wasn't, so hard!

We had to go to a wedding last Saturday as i was bridesmaid, really didn't want to go as wasn't long after my surgery, i got horribly drunk as i needed to shut off from the last year, but that was not the way to do it, seemed like a good idea at the time!

I hope the meal goes ok, it's hard putting a brave face on when you feel so awful inside, all you want to do is hibernate! Always here if you need to chat. X x

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