Pregnancy & depression


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Nov 25, 2009
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Hello all

I have been taking Sertraline ( for depression/anxiety) and Quitiepine ( for manic/bi-polar disorder) for over a year.
When i found out I was pregnant last week i stopped taking them. There is no way I want to take anything which may put the baby at risk. I am having some horrible side effects- dizziness being the worst and I am also starting to feel incredibly unstable mentally.
Is anyone out there in the same, or similar position with regards to meds?

Don't get me wrong, the pregnancy was planned, I even halved my meds 3 months ago in preparation AND I am happy to be pregnant, I am just nervous as to how i will handle everything without my meds.

Any advice would be great

I don't have depression but I was taking Amytriptaline for migraines so I can understand you stopping. Are you in contact with any mental health professionals? There are some medications which are safer to use and really you have to weigh up the risks to your baby but also to your own mental health and well-being which of course will also affect your pregnancy. Speak to a CPN if you can, if not see your GP and ask for a referral to see a psychiatrist who will have that specialist knowledge. It's a stressful enough time as it is, nevermind having to deal with other conditions.
Sorry I don't know specifics in terms of medication, I work in over 65's mental health so it's not really an issue there ;) Hope you are able to find some answers and support!!
I'd talk to your GP or your mental health worker. I'm sure that this is pretty common :)

Welcome to the forum :)
I have suffered with depression for over 10 years and was recently diagnosed bi-polar. I didn't take any meds during my last pregnancy as i didn't want to risk it but once he was born i had a major breakdown and tried to do something very silly to myself. I was put on meds and the week later i found out i was pregnant again.

The doctor has me on a low dose (20mg) fluoxatine, this is supposed to be the drug with the least effect on the baby, just to keep me 'happy' while i am pregnant. I also see a shrink every week at my home to talk through my feelings and work out any problems i have. I am also over the moon about my pregnancy, it too was planned (although it happened alot sooner then aticipated :oops:) and to be fair i have nothing to be down about, i'm just a basket case lol

I admit i am very anxious about my upcoming scan because the pills i take might have affected my babies heart and i will be devastated if there is anything wrong but i think i would be a mumbling mess if i wasn't taking them. Talk to your doctor and discuss benefits and risks and weigh them up, good luck xx
Thank you toonlass.. yep, i too am a basket case!! and the pregnancy happened pretty much after I stopped taking the pill so i was a bit shell shocked. I knew this would not be easy... nothing ever is in Bi-po land.

At my last visit to the shrinks i was advised there is support out there... a weekly shrink? sounds good to me.
Don't be too anxious about the scan.. 20mg is a tiny dose and from what i have read Fluoxatine is pretty much safe... if it prevents the 'silly' behavior for you then I reckon it is absolutely the right decision.

I am going to discuss with doctor next visit...
take care x
good luck hun, i hope you get the help you need xx
I too would discuss it with my gp or cpn they will have slot of experience with it, :hug:

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