pregnancy brain!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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don't know if i can blame the pregnancy or not but i've been a real bimbo lately!!!! have i always been like this and now i'm blaming the hormones????

the other day i went out (for the whole day) and left the front foor open

then i drove to work - 50 miles away from home - and realised i'd lock DH in the house (i had 2 sets of house keys)

there was the car window - thought it had been stollen, called the insurance company and got a garage to come out and re-fit it!!! it was down!

sunday i waited in for an hour for the washing machine to finish so i could put another load on.. i'd put the ball in the machine.. the comfort in the draw but hadn't turned it on!

i called the garage to get a copy of my MOT papers (lost my copy) it took them 2 days to go throu the files and pull me out a copy.... the mechanic asked me to read him the chassi number from the log book to make sure he had the right certificate... couldn't find the log book but found the MOT papers... and guess where it was? in the file that i keep my car papers.....



lol Hayley i think this happend to everyone during preg i know it happened to me .
LOL Hayley. Don't worry it doesn't get any better!!!
I keep doing stupid things. My latest is going upstairs for a bath, i'll always come on the computer while its filling up then go into the bedroom get undressed & then get in the tub, except I keep going into the bathroom now to find I haven't actually started to run it!

A friend of mine has a 9 week old & she said it still doesn't get any better after the birth!!! Great :lol:
sorry to laugh hayley but some of them are really funny, was you embarressed about the car window.....

Dont worry thought I am just as stupid at the min, my boss was explaining something to me this morning and I had to send him away cos I just DIDNT get what he was talking about!!! :? xxxx
Oh Hayley, your message did make me laugh!!

I havent down anything to silly yet but I can be having a great conversation with someone and my mind just goes completely blank and for the life of me I cant remember what I was talking about.

I know the feeling!! Last week I went home from work for lunch, and to do some washing. DH rang me when he got home as I was still out, reminded me that I'd left the back door unlocked all afternoon, and was most puzzled when I asked him to hang the washing up....hadn't done it at all!!

Keep getting all my sentences backwards - much to the amusement of work colleagues when I'm on the phone to someone else!!

Definitely getting worse though as pregnance progresses, although I'm not sure how daft I was before :lol:
hehehe, thats all so funny, imagine being locked IN your own house. As for the front door,Im must confess to doing that a few times before someone walked in and stole money.

These brain cells never come back and with pg 2 im really badly off.

glad i put a smile on your faces... i don't know if i was a bit of a bimbo before i found out was pregnant or if the pregnancy is making it worse.... i've been giving the girls in work a laugh when i get something wrong!! i spend so much time re-sending e-mails as i can't remember if i sent them in the first place!!!!


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