Pregnancy and Animals


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Jan 16, 2008
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Ive noticed over the last few days my 3 cats are being a bit protective of me! The other day my little boy cat Bison was giving me a look and i said to my boyfriend that he seems to know Im pregnant and Columbo one of the girls will not stop licking me...she would sit all day and lick my arms and hands if it was her choice.

Its kind of strange but is anyone else finding the same thing with their pets its like they know?
Hey, i'm an intruder from 2nd tri but i thought i'd reply. I read somewhere that cats can sense when you are pregnant and they become protective! Mine has taken to laying half on my belly!!
So i'm sure that's what it is with your cats! bless them!
My female cat wouldn't talk to me for the first 8 weeks. She is usually a lap cat and would just sit under the coffee table looking at me and would even resort to sitting on my husband who she hates!! She sits on me now but only on my legs and is careful when she jumps on me but that might be because I told not to jump on my belly. My male cat is olivious but that's fellas for you :lol: .
My cats haven't changed behaviour much. One of them sits on me more often but she's stopped doing that after she got belted in the face by a little foot :rotfl:
Before I knew I was pregnant I noticed my dog (who's too big to be a lap dog but thinks he is anyway) wouldn't sit on my lap anymore even if I called him he took to laying next to me on the sofa with his head on my legs, I don't know if its cause he sensed something or not but in the last few days he's started sitting on my lap again but on if I have a cushion on my lap. He's also quite over protective at the moment I dont know if its linked but I think they definately do sense these kind of things

Yeah my cat Taco was excactly the same during my first few weeks of pregnancy but he seemed to have calmed down a bit now although he doesnt like to go out half as much as he used to. I think animals know that something is going on they're not silly. Remember to be very carefull of toximapolis with them (SPELLING?) If they have a litter tray then make your partner clean them out if possible and if this is not possible then wear rubber gloves to clean them out and thoughly wash and use a hand disinfectant after.
I think my 2 male dogs know i'm pregnant! One of them used to jump up and greet me at the door, but ever since i've been pregnant he completely stopped! Also the other dog (not the jumpy one) has started sniffing my bump!!
A couple of my cats were the same last time I was pregnant and they're showing signs of being over protective again this time.

I don't mind, I love them snuggling up for strokes :D
:D yeh its great them all being loveable! usually our cats are nutters because theyre not that old but now they all snuggle and sleep! its great! :D
I've got 3 cats too. I hadn't really thought of their behaviour until reading this thread. But now I do think of it, 2 of them are ignoring me (until I feed them). The other one seems to run in jump up and check that I'm OK and then he goes again.
My 5 year old cat has sat on my lap more while I've been pregnant than in all the time I've had him (since he was a 9 week kitten) before that. He tries to sit on, as in on top of my bump :wall: So I have to cradle him so he doesn't fall off :rotfl:
That's really wierd!

We have 2 westies and one doesn't take to me usually but for a couple of weeks would sit by my side and whimper. I just briefly mentioned to my mum that perhaps she thought I was pregant (half-joking) but now I'm convinced lol

I know this might sound stupid as I'm sure you all know about the cat litter thing, but there's something in cat litter that can harm the baby...?

Sorry, me being me again - need to keep my nose out :( xx
It's not the cat litter, it's the cat poo that can cause problems. So you either have to wear gloves while cleaning out the tray (or when gardening) or get someone else to clean it for you. I go for the latter :D
Actually, one of my bunnies who would normally try to knaw my arm off when I bring food, left me alone and waited until his food was in the bowl which is very strange for him.
:dance: I dont have to do the cat litter anymore hehe! Its great!
I have guinea pigs and they're definitely not the sharpest tools in the shed. They still scream at me for food. No 6th sense for them then. :rotfl:

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