Pregaday Tablets!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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I find it hard to swallow tablets because it will make me heave but these ones ive really got to take because if i dont then i'll have to see the dietition because on my low BMI but i have tried the tablets in water also tried crushing them up and putting them in something but anything ive put it in makes me heave and taste like blood and sand :( i have tried and i hate the fact that i cant take tablets. Ive had few mouth fulls of my yougurt that ive put the tablet in and already feel sick.
I know its really important to take them but i think ill end up being sent to the dietition because of the iron in take its stressing me out!!.

Ive asked if i could get this in liquid form but apperntly not. any body have any suggestions of how else i can take them or should i just accept i will have to see a dietition when my consultant asks if i take it although ive tried its simply difficult when it tastes rank an also makes me feel sick:eh:.

sorry its been long. thanks for reading xx
I used to have bad trouble taking any tablets and the only thing i could do was take them as fast as possible without panicking so i could swallow them.
Take them with juice if that tastes better. Put them around the middle of your tongue so it can slide off easily. I tilt my head back slightly aswell which helps me loads!!
i can't really offer anymore advice other than this, sorry your struggling with taking them and they can't offer you it in any other form :hug:
well I have got alot better , but I always have a glass of water , and tip head right back,
Try taking 3 glugs one after the other, tipping head back in between quickly, then straight after the third glug throw them or drop them in to the back as you tip head back. The three quick glugs create what I can only describe as downwards water flow , and the tablets just get sucked away , like flushing a loo etc? (only nicer) Sorry prob didn't describe that well.

Try it, good luck, works for me
hi hun i was same as u if u get the folic acid prescribed to u by doctor they are really really small tablets, i used to put them to back of tongue and down a glass of water with head tilted backwards finally i got used to taking them good luck xxxxx
All I'd suggest is take them with a big gulp of water :D

Breaking them up will make them taste worse so keep them whole :)
Ive always struggled with tablet form it just wont go down tried with water which is why ive had to try an crush an put into a yogurt which i eat but nearly puked because of the taste lol.
Also got everything else ie folic acid in liquid form an sumet else to help so thats easy to take its just prega day ones i cant take :( Lol x
why not try breaking them in half - my mum always used to do that with aspirin when i was little cos i couldn't take tablets either, then when i got used to it i could take them whole. Making them smaller might make it easier to glug back with some water. Have you tried holding your nose as you swallow as well - apparently it takes the taste away??

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