Pre walker baby shoes...

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Do they need them? few people including my sis have mentioned they have bought them for their babies who are crawling/standing up against furniture....

I dont usually put anything on Rubys feet, she is bare foot indoors and in nursery and at my mums when she is being minded...I put socks and ugg boot thingies in her when we go out in pram/sling so her feet dont get cold.....

Should she be wearing shoes? I feel she is a bit little and didnt really plan to get her some until she was walking :think:
Its really up to you seetie, whn i had Em they didn't have the crawlers/cruisers so she was same always barefoot

I think barefoot is best TBH since Jack started walking and i got him shoes he will not be parted from them, he never has barefoot time
Brody only has shoes if we are out and he is in his buggy as his feet get cold really quickly!
Indoors he just has bare feet and socks whatever he is doing-in his walker, bouncer or (kind of! :lol: ) crawling!
I very rarely put shoes on Austin, usually only if we're going out to dinner/meet people etc and he's dressed up. He usually wears socks although if it's warm he just goes barefoot.

I read somewhere that if a baby wears shoes all the time they will generally learn to stand & walk later because it takes then longer to learn to balance.
Thea has been walking brilliantly for over a month now but I've only been putting shoes on her for just over a week. I really dont think they need them before they are confident in walking.
I know my nephew and friend's kids always had Clarks pre-walkers. Don't know if they were any good. Always looked sooo nice though!! :)
ive just got tia some pre-walkers, they are really lovely and ever so soft.

They are also machine washable and ever so light.

She has just started to take the odd steps, so my main reason for getting her them were because the 12-18months soft shoes in tescos didnt fit her at ALL !!!!!

She didnt have anything on her feet when we went out and they keep her feet lovely and warm without making them sweat, Also they give her added grip up the back of the foot and the front to aid with grip for standing cruising etc

She isnt ready for walking shoes yet and only wears them when we go out and for an hour or so when we get in

They are made,soft and lightweight specially for children that arent quite walking so i dont think they are damaging her ability to walk in anyway

And yes they do look very cute!!!! :)

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