Pre-making feeds and colief.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I know this isn't the right forum section but there is a lot more activity in this section.

My son suffers terribly with wind and is also suffering with very runny poops, however this doesn't really bother him. I've tried everything from baby massage, winding after every 2 oz, changing his bottles now using Dr Browns, even tried the comfort milk but he wouldn't drink it!

I've had him at the doctors who were quick to prescribe gaviscon but this made this a million times worse so i stopped it, the doctors have now referred him to a pediatric doctors for a possible milk intolerance or allergy. The doctors wouldn't prescribe any thing for him but after speaking with HV she reluctantly agreed that he could try soy milk formula.

However after her telling me they don't usually like babies to be on the soya i've had a look and decided that maybe it's not the route to go down as it can cause more trouble than it solves?!

So i thought i'd give colief another go, we tried it before but were just putting the drops in just before feeding as preparing 30 mins before was just impossible.

Now he's older i've decided that maybe making the feeds up in batches may work better. I've read the WHO guidelines for making them up in advance. But i was just wondering for those of you who make up formula, if anyone, how do you go about storing them if going out for the day? Say for example we went to the beach?

I'm so undecided what to do for the best. Do i use the soya milk and run the risk of making him completely intolerant and being unable to wean him back or do i use the colief which reduces the lactose but then have to make the bottles up in advance. Argh decisions!!!

Iv always made my formula up in advance despite guidelines saying you shouldn't, I literally make up my bottles with water which has cooled for half hr and pop in fridge. Whenever I am going out I heat in microwave and store in thinsulated lo has been ok with this method xx

Oh and I too used colief when he was younger, I would put 2 drops into pre made bottles x
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We used formula and colief til Jules was 5 months (slightly my reluctance to try weaning her off it til then after such a horrendous time with wind in the early days!)

Anyway, I always pre made bottles and added the colief to any that would be drunk within 12 hours. I'd add 2 drops to any all bottles which would be drunk after 4 hours and 4 drops into the bottle that would be drunk within 4 hours (or the other way round, can't remember what the colief instructions say!)

If we were out and about during the day, we'd just take out tommy tippee flask and warm the milk as per normal.

Hope that helps

Jill x x
Hi ladies

Thanks for the replies :D

I made his bottles up in advance last night, what a mess about waiting for the flipping thing to warm back up tho! Took ages in the tommee tippee warmer, i'm the old kettle and jug method might be quicker!

I was/am so nervous about making his bottles up in advance, even though i am following the WHO guidelines. They drill it in so much to make bottles fresh that you feel guilty/bad for doing anything other than that! But i'm willing to try if it's going to help his wind issues.

Can i ask, according to the guidelines (pesky things) your meant to keep the bottles coold during transportation i.e if going out for the day. How do you keep your bottles cooled? Apparently bottles either need to boiling hot or freezing cold to limit the amount of bacteria temperature is no good as this is when bacteria thrives. So sticking the bottle straight in the changing back is out the question right?

Sorry for all the questions, just don't wanna make bubs ill by not doing it right!

x x x
I got one of those bottle warmers and it was rubbish, we use the MAM bottles so they didn't even fit in it! The tommy tippee flask however is brill, is got a white case that you can put the bottle and boiling water from the flask in which is great if you're out and about.

Talking of being out and about, I have a black insulated bag thing that I got from tesco and holds 2 bottles, so I just use that or the insulated pocket in the changing bag if it has one. Granted neither keep the bottles fridge cold but touch wood eve never had an probs doing it this way!

Jill xx
Thanks hun :D

I'm thinking of nipping up to tesco soon to have a look about. My plan is to by a cool bag big enough to fit in 2 bottle and an ice pack?!

I'm thinking if i get one of the pack lunch style bags it should be big enough. Failing that i've just seen a bag on argos which looks good

I managed to nab mine in he baby clearance section for less than £2! Bargain! That one from Argos looks ideal, anything like that should be fine. We use ours on a night too to ate her first morning bottle up with us to save having to come back down!

Is the colief helping?

Jill x x
Sorry ladies.. Regarding the colief.. Do u add the drops to the water before u put the formula in?? Or once formula is added add the drops and leave for half hr?? My mum bought me the colief for noah but i dnt understand the instructions!!?

I pre make up his bottles anyway so im not worried about that and just warm bk up the water when he needs one.. They get used before the day is up and i had to make more for te night feeds so no worry about them being use within 24hrs..

I just dnt understand colief!? Lol xx
Hey hun

If your lo has suspected dairy intolerance ask your GP to prescribe aptamil pepti. It's great! I would stay away from soya, my DS has a dairy intolerance, I tried soya and it didn't help. The aptamil pepti has been great, look it up. I was given the same advice from knopk on here as her DS1 had a dairy allergy too x
Sorry ladies.. Regarding the colief.. Do u add the drops to the water before u put the formula in?? Or once formula is added add the drops and leave for half hr?? My mum bought me the colief for noah but i dnt understand the instructions!!?

I pre make up his bottles anyway so im not worried about that and just warm bk up the water when he needs one.. They get used before the day is up and i had to make more for te night feeds so no worry about them being use within 24hrs..

I just dnt understand colief!? Lol xx


I added the drops once the formula was in the bottle. If you check my post above I explained how I used to do it when ore making bottle etc. it worked for us.

It is a faff to begin with but you'll soon get into the swing of things!

Jill x x

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