I thought a few links might be helpful for anyone having experienced this condition..
Action on Pre-Eclampsia - the forums are to be found by clicking on the speech bubble icon in the top right hand corner.
This site has a telephone number you can phone for support also.
PreEclampsia foundation forums - this is an american forums and sister site to the british one above.
I would urge anyone who suffers this condition through a pregnancy, to seek out the support of other women who have gone through exactley what you have gone through, and who can relate exactley to the very many confusing feelings this condition leaves you with.
There is no need to suffer in silence.
It might be that feelings don't occur to you until your baby is much older or it might be that they don't come until you are expecting a second child. As women, we often placate ourselves with the arrival of a healthy baby and pay little attention to our own feelings, often pushing them down as irrelevant. I did this myself after suffering this condition and payed for it when my son was 10 months old and I had to have counselling for post traumatic stress disorder brought about by my experiences of Pre Eclampsia.
I wish these specific forums had existed back then, as it was a very lonely time, with many members of my family and the medical profession back then unable to relate...It became "not enough" that my baby was fit and healthy and it became necessary for me to come to terms with what had happened to me.
I am anxious that other women don't feel that same isolation and loneliness - Pre-Eclampsia can leave you feeling incredibly disoriantated
Anyways I know there are a few mums out there currently who are diagnosed PET and I dare say there will always be more so i was wondering if this could perhaps be stickied by the mods so as to provide quick and easy reference please?
Love and Low BP's
Sarah xxxx
Action on Pre-Eclampsia - the forums are to be found by clicking on the speech bubble icon in the top right hand corner.
This site has a telephone number you can phone for support also.
PreEclampsia foundation forums - this is an american forums and sister site to the british one above.
I would urge anyone who suffers this condition through a pregnancy, to seek out the support of other women who have gone through exactley what you have gone through, and who can relate exactley to the very many confusing feelings this condition leaves you with.
There is no need to suffer in silence.

It might be that feelings don't occur to you until your baby is much older or it might be that they don't come until you are expecting a second child. As women, we often placate ourselves with the arrival of a healthy baby and pay little attention to our own feelings, often pushing them down as irrelevant. I did this myself after suffering this condition and payed for it when my son was 10 months old and I had to have counselling for post traumatic stress disorder brought about by my experiences of Pre Eclampsia.
I wish these specific forums had existed back then, as it was a very lonely time, with many members of my family and the medical profession back then unable to relate...It became "not enough" that my baby was fit and healthy and it became necessary for me to come to terms with what had happened to me.
I am anxious that other women don't feel that same isolation and loneliness - Pre-Eclampsia can leave you feeling incredibly disoriantated

Anyways I know there are a few mums out there currently who are diagnosed PET and I dare say there will always be more so i was wondering if this could perhaps be stickied by the mods so as to provide quick and easy reference please?
Love and Low BP's

Sarah xxxx