Pre eclampsia


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2016
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Hi everyone, I had pre eclampsia with my first and am now pregnant with number 2 and just wondered if any of you had pre eclampsia with the first but fine with subsequent pregnancies. I've got to see a consultant in October but am worrying about it happening again
Hiya - I had preeclampsia with my first but haven't had it this time as yet. I didn't get it til the end with no.1 though. My friend had it at 28 weeks with her first and didn't get it with her second or third pregnancies. So while you'll be slightly higher risk it's not a definite xxx
Hey - I had it with my first, I have just been seen in pre-pregnancy clinic before TTC. I have developed permanent high BP since my pre eclampsia :( but it is now controlled with medication. They have told me I am at a slightly higher risk of developing it again, but not a definite. They have also recommended taking Aspirin from 12 weeks as this can assist with healthy placenta development. x
I had it with my first he was born at 33 Weeks and with my second I was fine all the way through xx best of luck hun they'll possibly give you aspirin this time round xx
Thanks for the answers. I've been on a asprin since 12 weeks and am seeing the consultant at 32 weeks but fingers crossed so far so good
hiya I had pre eclampsia with my first ended up having him at 37 weeks, had high bp ever since, ended up in hospital with my second with really high bp but no protein so never progressed into pre eclampsia. not sure what is going to happen this time! they have taken me off my medication so I have more consultant appointments just to keep an eye on it x
My first prehnancy resulted in my son being stillborn due to pre eclampsia. Next 2 pregnancy took aspirin and no problems with pre eclampsia in either. Goid luck hun try not to worry but I know it's 3adier said than done x

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