Pre-eclampsia in 1st pregnancy, how was 2nd pregnancy handled?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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Hi I got severe pre-eclampsia at 37+4 in 1st pregnancy & was induced & eventually had little girl by emcs. Had to have magnesium sulphate (ugh) bolus & infusion for several days & took week for BP to stabilise enough to go home. I had no risk factors for PE. Just wondering if 2nd preg will be handled differently because I had PE first time? Quite nervous about getting it again as it was v frightening experience!
I had pretty much the same experience with my first, severe pre-eclampsia at 35+5 (daughter born at 36+2 by emcs after failed induction as pre-eclampsia couldn't be controlled, mag sulf, bp probs for 6 months, 8 days in hospital while they faffed about with my bp (shot up on day 3 post-delivery to 220/110, very frightening as you will know), daughter in SCBU for 3 weeks due to IUGR). I also had no risk factors for pre-eclampsia.

Second pregnancy - was considered "high risk". I had an appointment with a consultant at 16 weeks, where I was given a choice between VBAC or C-section (choice to be made by 36 weeks, when I had my next consultant appointment). I had weekly bp and urine checks from 30 weeks onwards; and extra scans to check growth and placental function (28, 32 and 36 weeks). I managed to avoid pre-eclampsia with my second pregnancy, but got gestational diabetes and had to deliver at 37 weeks (planned C-section). I did develop bp problems post-delivery and I had to be re-admitted, but I knew what I was looking out for, so when I started getting chest aches, swollen legs and raised bp, I immediately took myself back into hospital. Less scary when you know what's happening.

So yes, in summary, your second pregnancy would be handled differently - you'll be monitored more than you were with your first and you may be offered aspirin (this seems to depend on the Trust you're in, I was never offered it).
Thanks Ella1979, sounds like you went through the mill the second time, even if you didn't get PE before your little one was born. I can honestly say the PE was one of the most frightening experiences of my life, my BP was very similar to yours, I didn't realise it could go so high before I got PE. But like you said I know know what to look out for, as does Hubbie. Hopefully my BP & urine will be monitored closely & fingers crossed all will be normal, with no need for any intervention.
It was, without a doubt, the most frightening experience of my whole life. Not only because I was scared for myself, but also because I was scared for my daughter. Second time round it was better, but the swelling post-delivery was a bit scary until I was in hospital - then I just had a battle over what meds they were using. They insisted on labetalol, which didn't work and then tried enalapril, which was worse than useless. It took me demanding to see a consultant to be put on nifedipine, which I knew would work. So frustrating. 13 days in hospital while they messed about with the meds! I have to say, if you can get hold of your notes from your previous pregnancy and delivery it would be worthwhile.
It was, without a doubt, the most frightening experience of my whole life. Not only because I was scared for myself, but also because I was scared for my daughter. Second time round it was better, but the swelling post-delivery was a bit scary until I was in hospital - then I just had a battle over what meds they were using. They insisted on labetalol, which didn't work and then tried enalapril, which was worse than useless. It took me demanding to see a consultant to be put on nifedipine, which I knew would work. So frustrating. 13 days in hospital while they messed about with the meds! I have to say, if you can get hold of your notes from your previous pregnancy and delivery it would be worthwhile.

Oh how do you get your notes, do you just ask!? last time they had me on labetalol & nifedapine, they also kept taking my baby away so I could rest, but that just stressed me out more! The postnatal swelling sounds terrible (thats what happened to me before & during labour, my first pics with my little girl I cant show anyone other than v close family as I look really strange, big fat nose & face & huge fingers & hands (well to be honest didnt look at my legs to see what they were like), when you went in postnatally with your swelling, did you have to leave your baby at home? I would have been devestated to leave the baby. Fingers crossed I don't get it again. Do you think you will chance getting pregnant again?
No! Two is enough for me! Especially with all the complications, I just wouldn't risk it a third time.

Notes - you have to make a request in writing to the hospital. Sometimes they will ask you to fill in a form. Easiest to contact PALS at the hospital where you had your baby and ask them. There's usually a fee if it's over 40 days since you gave birth, but they'll give you that info beforehand.

Swelling was awful. With my daughter I went from having puffy feet (from 28 weeks onwards) to being puffy everywhere within a period of hours - walked into hospital in boots and the following day couldn't even half get them on! Couldn't even see my knees and my legs were like tree trunks! With my son it never got that bad. As soon my OH noticed my knees and ankles swelling, I took my bp, it was high and I was on the phone to the hospital. If you have to be readmitted postnatally, you can take your baby with you. I didn't as I thought I'd be sorted and home again and didn't want to disrupt everything. OH brought our son in every day (except for the day I had a scan to check for lung clot as it was a radioactive test (they were convinced I had a clot as my chest ache "suggested" it was that, even though I knew it was my bp)).

I've never actually shown anyone the first pics of me and my daughter. I didn't see her for 3 days, so I actually look fairly normal, but she's got a feeding tube and I guess the whole experience was just so traumatic, I don't really look at those pics even now.

Me and my OH always wanted two children. It was quite a decision to go for another after our first baby, but I'm so so glad we did. You'll recognise the symptoms if you get it again, it's nothing like the first time. Also, the later in pregnancy you got it, the less likely you are to have it recur. Just take really good care of yourself and rest as much as possible.

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