Pre-eclampsia help please


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hiya, I have just been in hospital for high BP and put on to medication (loads of fun lol) now. I was told by the mw and docs to watch out for the headaches etc and upper abdominal pain on the right side. Has anyone had this abdominal pain symptom please?
I have had two incidences of pain just below my right boob both lasted about 5-10 secs and that was it I don't want to be acting the drama queen and ringing up the docs for every twinge so was wondering whether this pain would start gradually or if it would be more constant. I get alot of headaches including migraines so it is hard to see if that is a symptom or not but my wee and blood results Thrusday and Friday were all clear. Like I said I don't want to be a drama queen but at the same time I don't want to just brush off something if it might be the start of pre-eclampsia. Any advice would be very gratefully received :hug:

Thanks, Michelle
I havnt had pre-eclampsia myself but spent some time on the delivery suite recently and got talking to a lady in great detail who had it.
She was telling me all the things to look out for and how she knew to come back ect.
What she did say is its not worth risking. pre-eclampsia is too serious to not act on immediately. Hopefully with you its probably nothing, but if you notice the pain again try and focus on it, what it feels like, how long it lasts ect. Then phone and describe it. You'll probably find they will ask you to go in which i know is really boring and frustrating but it will put your mind at rest and they can do exactly what they need to to try and control it.
They wont think your a drama queen and would be glad you were acting on it rather than leaving it later and later when its harder to control.

Let us know how you are, hopefully it will turn out to be nothing more than the normal aches and pain, but at least get that confirmed.

Thanks Keelie I know it isn't wrigglebum cos I am not far enough gone for him to reach there yet lol so if I get it again I will ring them :hug:
The pain that you get is caused by the liver so in theory it should show in you pee and is more associated with HELLP! But as I havent actually had Pre Eclampsia, hopefully someone else can help you more!
I agree with Keelie! If your ever worried you should call them up as its always better to be safe than sorry! :hug:

Here is a website with all the info for you
How are you now? any more pains or anything? i know its only been a few hours but was thinking about you and wanted to make sure things had settled down a bit.
Im sure the pains are all normal pregnancy related but if they carry on its worth checking.
Let us know how you are xx
Thanks Keelie :hug: I feel fine but have had a few niggles I will ring and ask the midwives this morning and let you know
I rang up and they asked me to go in to have bloods checked etc. Bloods were fine and the place where I have been getting pains is not typically the place they worry about but these pains can appear in different places so they said to keep an eye on it. I had ketones and protein in my wee I have had ketones several times due to the nausea and not being able to eat but this was a first for protein and hopefully a one off so the last fingers crossed :pray:
right ok well that doesnt sound too bad so hopefully its not pre-eclampsia related and all will ease off. You never know, you might even start blooming over the next week or so.
Just look after yourself and try not to worry.
Fingers crossed for you xx
i ahd very bad pain , couldnt explain it at the time cos it felt like a kinda keart attack cos it was across from my heart kinda under my boob , it was infact my liver cos i did indeed have HELLP , im sure they will prob check your wee weekly , keep and eye out for spots in the eyes / disturbed vision , strong yellow wee ,my temp inscreased so i always felt hot even tho it was december ! and i itched , like i said tho i had HELLP a serious complication of pre-ecampsia .
Hi hun

I had PE but the doctors messed me around so much I ended up with Eclampsia, which just shows how important it is that you keep getting checked up if you're concered.

I did have pain in my right rib, and you blood results show an acid that can come from your liver (which is where the pain is) can't for the life of me remember the name of the acid, but they'll keep an eye on that in your blood results for any changes. Mine was fairly mild and got worse towards the end, but never unbearable.

If you do have any concerns, I'd say always get them checked just to be safe. I'd dread to see anyon go through what I did :hug: :hug:
Thanks for sharing your stories with me :hug: I remember reading your birth story at the time you posted it Hideilu very scary glad you and Jack are ok :hug: I guess I just have to keep pestering them when I feel funny lol it is too serious to risk it and it won't matter if they hate the sight of me as we will probably be moving next summer anyhow :rotfl:

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