Prams/travel systems ?? - where do I start.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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I'm confused - where do you start???

DH and I had a quick nosey round the mama's and papa's store while we were waiting to go the the cinema the other night, but it seemed kinda expensive.

Im pretty confident that my folks will be buying our pram as they did for my brother - which kinda makes me not want to fall in love with something stupidly priced.

I quite liked this one in toys r us the other week - but if im truthful I think its just the colour that attracted me.

Plus mum now says the reviews on it aint great - although its the new version of my brothers one, and the reviews on his werent great but they love it.

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

You are in the best place for advice! They have done good reviews(i thought) on mumsnet and which. I've gone for the mamas and papas ultimate which costs a small fortune but is beautiful!
I was perplexed too. Luckily there are plenty of shops near me which display lots of different makes and models so we had some trips our and were able to see them demo'd and ask questions.

I think you need to think how you are going to use it. If you are going to do lots of walking maybe a tough agile one. If you are gonna travel in a car a lot maybe a lighterweight one etc....

I also found that the independent shops or Internet shops gave the best price. The big highstreet shops didn't really do deals unless they had a sale on. Best advice once you've chosen the one you want is shop around for a good deal. I managed to save about £200!

If you want something you are going to have to lift in and out of the car a lot then you need something lightweight but if you are planning on doing a lot of walking (especially on uneven surfaces) then I would personally go for something with big blow up tyres. You can always get something bigger for walking and the first few months and then get a Maclaren for when they are a little older just for nipping in and out of the car with. This is what we did. For Lennon we bought a Mothercare Detour Travel System which is a 3 wheeler with big blow up tyres which is gorgeous to push and walk with and was a godsend in Guernsey as we had lots of trips to the beach/park and there are lots of uneven surfaces (even the highstreet is cobbled) BUT it only just about fit in the boot of our car and was quite heavy to lift in and out. When Lennon was 6 months old we bought a Maclaren for quick easy trips but tbh, we still took the Mothercare one to quite a few places as it was so nice, snuggly and comfy for Lennon to sit and sleep in. We will use these tow buggies for the new baby too as they are both still in perfect condition.

And definitely go to a shop to try in person - they may look lovely but be awful to push or put up and down.
Oh DEAR - just looked at reviews on mums net for the Silver Cross 3D - that I liked in toys r us - and most of them are awful. I'm not one for putting huge stock in online reviews as I tend to find that folk who have a complaint are far more likely to write on than those who are ok with what they've bought/used, but there's an awful lot of folk with complaints on that one - might have a re-think!

Don't forget to think about things that may get forgotten, but could make a difference on a day to day basis if you use the pushchair alot

1) Handle heights , do they adjust for you or your partners heights?
2) Will you need a carrycot bit (could save you buying a moses basket in some cases)
3) Can you get accesories (I would sooooo love a cup holder for mine, got mine passed to me from sister)
4) What shopping will you be getting? You may need sturdy basket - regular shops in car or pushchair? My basket gets thrased with soap powder, nappies, heavey veg, etc)
5) Wheels (someone mentioned already) - off road bike style or smaller hard wheels, or running/ three wheels?
6) colour, will it stand the test of time and small kids! will you be planning more kids, will you still like colour then? eg Pink not great for boys! Or Red , but you always like to wear grean raincoats!! (sounds silly , but actually after I kick myself fokr not thinking ahead!!)

I would make sure you see it, try it in mothercare etc , and then look for online where you can get it cheeper, once you have road tested to make sure it's the one.

I would want to buy my kids pushchairs too , special thing - (well at least the girls, as MIL may want to for daughters!!), but I would ask your mum, what is her budget, then you will both feel happy that it's clear now, and then if you want more , you can add to it and make sure you get just the one you want, she would want you to get the one you oggle over and not plan b

You have another 30 weeks, you will change your mind so much as you learn all about pregnancy / babys, so start research now and buy in last 10 weeks - enjoy
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Thanks for all the advice - very help ful. I know its really early - but unfortunately DH absolutely hates shopping and getting him to make decisions is horrendous - so I know this is gonna take us a while. lol.

Thanks for all the advice - very help ful. I know its really early - but unfortunately DH absolutely hates shopping and getting him to make decisions is horrendous - so I know this is gonna take us a while. lol.


Easy - don't let him choose! ha ha :lol:
Thanks for all the advice - very help ful. I know its really early - but unfortunately DH absolutely hates shopping and getting him to make decisions is horrendous - so I know this is gonna take us a while. lol.


Easy - don't let him choose! ha ha :lol:

Oh dear he might come back with an orange crate on coasters....
This has been such a hard decision for us too. After trapesing around the shops, choosing a few and then going online to find that the reviews were pretty awful, we have finally settled on the M&P's Sola travel system. The reviews are great, it's light weight and compact which was important to me. All in with the buggy, carrycot, carseat, foot muff etc it comes to just over £500. Although it can be used from birth without the carrycot. Might be worth a look. xxx
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If you can get to the kiddicare store in Peterborough they have a whole floor of them and you can try them all out and they let you take them out to your car to check it fits ok. Thats what we did!
Just brought the maxi cosi mura 3 and cabriofix carseat :) it's nice and fits in the boot and easy to use z

i just bought the Mothercare Xtreme Pushchair Travel System - Giraffe. i love it. waiting for it to be delivered to my sis of course me bing superstitous and all that. its on a half price introductory offer of £200 down from £400. i saw it and fell in love. me and oh where looking for a three wheeler and happy with everything else. and for that price and a travel system cant really go wrong or at least were hoping so...
Oh DEAR - just looked at reviews on mums net for the Silver Cross 3D - that I liked in toys r us - and most of them are awful. I'm not one for putting huge stock in online reviews as I tend to find that folk who have a complaint are far more likely to write on than those who are ok with what they've bought/used, but there's an awful lot of folk with complaints on that one - might have a re-think!


I have to silver cross 3D and I hate it but I just have to put up with it because I can't afford to buy another one! Wouldn't Recommend it to anyone!

I was looking at the silvercross surf but that's got shocking reviews :shock: it is quite disturbing for a company as traditional as silvercross!!!

The ladies have said everything apart from one thing, don't settle for one you are not keen on you and the pram will be attached fir quite a long time lol :)

I love the stokke :) xxxx
I ended up buying this one it got great reviews on loads of sites and it's nice and lightweight too as I live on the 3rd floor in a block of flats with no lift and I don't really have a lot of money to be just spending on my travel system alone. I have a lovely Moses basket for him to sleep in as well :)
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That is lovely its a good name for a great price too!
The best thing I did (well I think) was put down a deposit and a month or so later I went back to the shop to have a second play (the first time I was so excited about everything!) I had enough time to look up stories (not nessicery on the brand I picked) of buggy owners to see what common complaints were eg fitting it in the boot, folding it up, being to heavy etc and went back and had a proper play with these things in mind. Has totally put my mind at ease, and yes my carry cot on my buggy is quite heavy! But I live in a flat so shouldnt be moving it around too much (as he will be sleeping in it full time!)
i just bought the Mothercare Xtreme Pushchair Travel System - Giraffe. i love it. waiting for it to be delivered to my sis of course me bing superstitous and all that. its on a half price introductory offer of £200 down from £400. i saw it and fell in love. me and oh where looking for a three wheeler and happy with everything else. and for that price and a travel system cant really go wrong or at least were hoping so...

I have just bought this one online :) im not much of a worrier and to be honest i googled it and liked so bought it.

Thanks for the recommendation
We definatly wanted a graco pram, we where stuck between the Graco Fusio and Graco Symbio. The weekend we bought it toys r us had 20% off, we decide on the Fusio and matching car seat it was a steal at £239.99. That was pratical for us as i can fit a buggy board on the Fusio (we have a 2yr old) and not on the Symbio. I absolutly love the Graco Symbio, if i was having my first child i would of definatly of got that, at Toys R Us, its on a multibuy offer with the pram, seat and carrycot you save £200. x x

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