Pram Advice


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Anyone bought a pram yet? There are so many different types, but i have no idea which is best?

All i know is i want one that can face both ways, it has to fit into the boot of my Polo, and i want it to last as long as possible.

How do you choose?:confused:

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I'd say a good starting point is to go to a big stockist if you can - like Mothercare World - and play with a few. They will also show you how to put them up and down and all the features and you can try them in the boot of your car.

Take your time and when you've got a short list spend sometime checking out on line reviews :)
I originally wanted the Quinny (ONLY because it would fit in the back of my Aygo) however the salesman talked me out of it pretty quickly as he hates them!
He showed me the Babystyle Oyster (We went for green as we're not finding out the sex)
Very similar system and it will also house a Maxi Cosi or Britax car seat :) It's not arrived yet but we had a good play about with it and me, Mum and the OH were dead impressed! I cant wait until it gets delivered! I'll be round my Mum's playing with it every other day until Aug! Haha!
Take your time researching, we read LOADS of reviews and luckily the Oyster reviews are fab!
Good luck! X
ok so uve got a small car like me, ive got citreon c2, very small boot!! we were limited to spcae so we needed something that folded really small. and wanted like you 1 that faces both ways.
so we went into mothercare and had a play and the lady said we were very limited as we have such a small car.
she said what about the quinny buzz???
i thought they were really expensive, but not half as bad as what i thought.
its on sale at the min we paid £405 for the pushchair and the maxi cosi car seat. so didnt work about 2 bad.
I originally wanted the Quinny (ONLY because it would fit in the back of my Aygo) however the salesman talked me out of it pretty quickly as he hates them!
He showed me the Babystyle Oyster (We went for green as we're not finding out the sex)
Very similar system and it will also house a Maxi Cosi or Britax car seat :) It's not arrived yet but we had a good play about with it and me, Mum and the OH were dead impressed! I cant wait until it gets delivered! I'll be round my Mum's playing with it every other day until Aug! Haha!
Take your time researching, we read LOADS of reviews and luckily the Oyster reviews are fab!
Good luck! X

why didnt the man like them? i wanna know now as ive bought 1
We have gone for the pilko pramette from mamas and papas. i found it really easy to put up and down and it fit in our car really well. Take your time before choosing xxxx
I originally wanted the Quinny (ONLY because it would fit in the back of my Aygo) however the salesman talked me out of it pretty quickly as he hates them!
He showed me the Babystyle Oyster (We went for green as we're not finding out the sex)
Very similar system and it will also house a Maxi Cosi or Britax car seat :) It's not arrived yet but we had a good play about with it and me, Mum and the OH were dead impressed! I cant wait until it gets delivered! I'll be round my Mum's playing with it every other day until Aug! Haha!
Take your time researching, we read LOADS of reviews and luckily the Oyster reviews are fab!
Good luck! X

why didnt the man like them? i wanna know now as ive bought 1

Well, you know the piston bit that springs them up from being folded up? He said that when that particular part brakes (IF of course...) you might as well buy a new chassis as it's pretty difficult to fix. He really didn't like them at all. His company repair prams and sell them you see.
Although saying that, my sis in law has a Buzz 3 (we were originally looking at the Buzz 4) and she loves it! Cant fault it at all! X
i really wanted a silvercross linear but my bro's ex works in mouthcare and said not to as they had loads of complaints so im stumped i need one that is really light as i live in a first floor flat so it got be bumped up and down everyday
I went for the Quinny Buzz as well but mainly for height reasons (im a teenie person lol) and it seemed the least bulky of the ones I looked at. I also managed to get the pram, car seat and the Dreami carry cot for £440.

The piston was a bit of a worry, but if it was to break after a while it could just be an excuse to buy another pram! lol
I went for the Quinny Buzz as well but mainly for height reasons (im a teenie person lol) and it seemed the least bulky of the ones I looked at. I also managed to get the pram, car seat and the Dreami carry cot for £440.

The piston was a bit of a worry, but if it was to break after a while it could just be an excuse to buy another pram! lol

thats a brill price where did u have it from? i love mine cant wait for it to be delivered now. i bought the shopping basket for it 2day
I got it from Toys r us cause it was on offer for £300 but I got another £10 off cause I joined their baby club, then the car seat is from tesco for £100 and then got the carry cot off ebay for £50! I really wanted the carry cot so she'll be able to lie flat but really really didnt want to pay £150 for it. Theres loads on ebay thought!

Ive already got mine cause you have to take it straight away from toys r us. As soon as I got home me and my dad put it up! We were a bit excited lol. We decided it had to be done so we could check it was all ok lol! Im going to get the parasol and shopping basket once Ive been payed then I think Im done with the pram!
Ill keep all your suggestions in mind, and do my research, im just so impatient, i want to buy it now!

Thanks to all xxx
I bought a mamas and papas pilko pramette. They are so easy to steer, quick to collapse and reopen and face both ways, goes from lying down pram to pushchair. Very pricey but got mine 2nd hand and buying the car seat attachment brand new.
we bought the icandy apple got it second hand too was such a good bargain cause it is in great condition
We have got the same one Tiny!

Good isnt it! OH really likes it too, which is important cos he's gonna have to push the thing round too and try and look masculine! :rofl: I still havent got my hands on mine yet, my brother picked it up for us and is bringing it round on thursday next week, I cant wait!!!
Finally decided, I have bought the Mamas and Papas Sola x
sorry to gate crash as i'm only 1st tri but i work for babies r us (toys r us) have you seen the graco symbio you can have it both ways plus you get a flip handle if you buy from there you get a deal where you get carseat,pram and carrycot for £414 plus £15 quid off with the vouchers outta the catalouge and you could prob get more if you join mother and baby but you will have to join a couple of weeks before you buy if you want them. we are also doing the buzz,carrycot and carseat for £554 but you can use the vouchers on this as well hope this helps :)

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