pp and amniotic band??? help pls??


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Hey :) I attended my 20 week scan last week to b told I have a low lying placenta and I have an amniotic band which they are concerned the baby could get stuck I'm only 22 an tbh I haven't got a clue about any of this as my last pregnancy was fine if any 1 could just give me some advice an tips that would b great an fully appreciated xx
I had a low lying placenta last time but was higher up by the time of the birth. Unless it is complete placenta previa, usually the placenta ends up higher up later in pregnancy as the uterus expands. They will probably check it with another scan closer to the tiime of birth. I'm afraid I don't know anything about the amniotic band.
I started out with a low laying placenta too. Hopefully yours will do what mine did and move up as the uterus expends. Try not to worry too much about it, but if you get any bleeding call the mw, as I think that is a sign of pp. sorry, don't know about amniotic band.
I had an amniotic band and Tabitha is perfectly healthy, not a mark on her. The sonographer terrified us with horror stories but the consultant reassured us that complications after 20 weeks are very rare. If they counted ten fingers ten toes and all limbs healthy then there's little to worry about. Some superficial scarring was a possibility but she has nothing.

I don't know if the amniotic band contributed to my waters going early but I doubt it.

We got a 4D scan to reassure us but there was no need, she's perfect :) xx
I've bumped my other thread for you xx

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