Potty Training


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Hi - just wondering what age you atarted potty training. Eloise is 13 months old and can't sit still for 10 seconds so I don't think she's ready but my mother (god love her) has been hassling me to start potty training since she was 10 months old :shock: as that is the age she started me.
Wondering what everyone elses experiences were really!
Tips etc would be great as well!!
I was always under the impression that you shouldn't start potty training until they're around 2, as before that they don't have any control, and pushing them into it when they're not ready can create a lot of problems. :think:
Me too - I was told by a good friend that until they understand what pee and poo is at least basically and can sit still for about 5 - 10 minutes it just isn't worth it. I don't want to start and then stop because it is too soon. It will just confuse her!
I am going to do it between 12-18mths, as all my nephews (6 of them) and neices (2 of them) have been.
Plus I was done at that age. Obviously, if I find Arianna is not ready then I wont push it.

S. xx
Braydon is 18 months and we are just starting to sit him on the potty so he understands wots it for gonna start doing it properly in the summer

I was going to start Kiara but im just letting her sit on it when she wants its hard as the only bathroom is upstairs and when the other baby comes will be difficult
i started at around 2 year old.
before then its more potty timing than training. and its far too much stress and hardwork for parent and child potty timing. :roll:
i started my girls potty training just before they were 2 years old and now they are both completly dry all day and night.
Tia does still have accidents every so often but not all the time
Both girls were dry within one month of their second birthdays. I didn't push them though, they took the lead themselves.

They've only been dry at night since Christmas though.......
we're going to be starting Lydia in approx 2 months time.
She's ready now, she's been ready for a while, but we're moving house soon and we don't want that to disrupt her training.
We'll be starting Alex once we see signs he's ready. I think Dan was about 18months, Charlotte was 2, but Callum was nearer 4 :(
Thanks guys - you've proved to me that I need to wait until my daughter is ready - not to do it because I am being pressured.
I have voted on my mums behalf as MY LO is too young to potty train. My little brother started at 26 months and is doing really well. He has only had a small amount of accidents in over 2 months and is now just learning to stay dry at night which doesn't seem like it will take long. My mum knew he was ready as he started taking his nappy off everytime it was wet or dirty.

Willow had liturally just been trained she can now use it all day although wears a nappy at night i tried to do it before Conal came and then when he was still in hospital she did her number 2 in it for ages but then she had an accident while wearing her new shoes and she started freaking out and paniking when ever her nappy was off so we left her until about 2 weeks ago, we started taking her nappy off just before bed for an hour and then longer and longer. her first day at nursery without a nappy was last Tuesday and i have never been so excited to see her in the same pants as when i left her before in my life :lol:

I was going to start around 2 years.... she def not ready yet as there are no signs
Yeah I reckon 2 seems about average. I've started naming wee and poo though and asking him about his nappy before I change it, I have also started occasionally taking him into the loo with me and explaining what I'm doing :oops: I read somewhere that this was helpful, hope I'm not creating some psychological problem!

^^ no we were also told that that helped
Eloise sits on her dad's lap when he goes for a poo!! :oops: :shock: :oops:
My little Charles is 13 months and l have been putting him on the potty for the last couple of weeks. Mum said to try him so l have, and do you know what, he does use it. l put him on the potty almost every time l change his nappy. He has pee'd and poo'd in it. He may not fully understand what peeing and pooing is all about but he knows he is to do it in their. lts one of those things, l would never pressurise him to sit on it, if he makes a fuss l take him off the potty straight away. lts always worth a try, even just to get them used to it.
He has pee'd and poo'd in it. He may not fully understand what peeing and pooing is all about but he knows he is to do it in their. lts one of those things, l would never pressurise him to sit on it, if he makes a fuss l take him off the potty straight away. lts always worth a try, even just to get them used to it.

Were about the same! Charlie does wee in her potty every other day, and has had several poo's too.

Last week she got her potty out, and started to pull her jeans down, so i helped her and she pulled at her nappy, so i took that off and sat her on her potty, and she did a huge wee, she has done it once since.

She often doesnt want to sit on her potty, which is TOTALLY FINE.
hels said:
He has pee'd and poo'd in it. He may not fully understand what peeing and pooing is all about but he knows he is to do it in their. lts one of those things, l would never pressurise him to sit on it, if he makes a fuss l take him off the potty straight away. lts always worth a try, even just to get them used to it.

Were about the same! Charlie does wee in her potty every other day, and has had several poo's too.

Last week she got her potty out, and started to pull her jeans down, so i helped her and she pulled at her nappy, so i took that off and sat her on her potty, and she did a huge wee, she has done it once since.

She often doesnt want to sit on her potty, which is TOTALLY FINE.

Wow! thats good!! Charlie has not mastered the getting the potty out thing yet nor has he with pulling his trousers down when he wants to go. He'll get there soon im sure.

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