Potty Training and Toddler Beds


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Havn't posted for ages but my LO has just reached 18 months and I feel like I need to return regularly for some advice from you girls here.

I have 2 things I need advice on, potty training and her bed. I have bought her a potty so she can get used to sitting on it and so she can start to copy mummy and daddy when we use the bathroom but does anyone have any tips from their own experience?

Also, a friend of ours has mentioned that she took the cot rails off her kids beds at 12 months and I'm wondering if I could do this with Lilly. Again, any experience to offer?

Part of me wonders if its easier to start her on these things earlier to be able to ease her into them but the other part of me doesn't want her to grow up too soon! She's a smartly when it comes to coppying what we do and she understands things that you ask her to do but she's only just said her first word (it was 'juice'!).

Any advice would be welcomed :)

Hey :wave:
DS is nearly 20 months and we're not potty training him yet. I was always advised to wait until they show good signs that they're ready otherwise it can delay when they would naturally have started (iygwim?) so usually when they know they need the toilet, when they can indicate/tell they need the toilet clearly, they have good bladder control (ie not weeing every ten minutes) etc. we have a potty out so that he knows where it is and he does understand what it's for and we also let him see us on the toilet (especially daddy in this case) but I don't feel like he's 100% ready yet so we'll wait.

Bed wise DS is still in his cot but mainly because he was sharing with DD and it would have been a nightmare to try to keep him in the cot when there was the lure of all of her toys around! Now we've swapped we're talking about, and shopping around for, a toddler bed and he'll be in it before he's two. Hth x
Thanks Mrs! I think you're right about the potty training, if we have the potty available then she can let us know when she'd like to use it once she really knows what It's for.

As for the bed, I'm not sure whether to get 'training rails' or just remove them altogether.... The mattress is quite low...

We are going to try potty training Millie soon as want her to be dry before LO arrives. Whether its a success or not, we shall see, if she's not interested then will wait a while and try again. No pressure :)

She also moves around a lot in her cot and would always be on the floor in a bed lol, she is happy as she is and not trying to climb out so will leave her be for now x x
We're going to start potting training nearer two. Tegan has started telling us once she's done a poo. We have the potty about which she sits on now and again.
She's been in a toddler bed for a couple of months now xx
I tried from 18 months by getting him a potty and telling him about it, and Taking him to the bathroom when I was going for a wee, but he really wasn't interested and would hide the potty when I suggested he use it, so I haven't forced it as I don't want him to be scared of using it. He seems a little bit more interested now but still hasn't weed in it, just sat on it. I think you should just do what you have suggested and She will do it when she is ready.

As for the cot, I have got no chance at the moment, zac still wriggles all over the place, banging into the sides, and turning upside down!

You can only try with both and if she isn't ready, just wait a while longer xxx
My LO is almost 22 months now and when she turned 2 Im going to be leaving her ALOT without a nappy on just so she gets used to the fact she wees and poos althought she's started telling us when she does both of them so she's more aware than she ever was before. Basically Im not going to push it but just have the potty around and leave her nappyless for alot of the day when its nice.

Bed wise, she's been in her 'big girl bed' for about 3 weeks or so and I can't say it's been easy and is still a bit of a struggle to get her to sleep but she was throwing herself around her cot so much it was worrying and Id rather move her before she started to climb out. She sleeps fine and is getting used to it but yeah, still has its challenges lol. I didn't bother with side rails or anything. She's fallen out once and wasn't aware it happened so I just put her back in bed. She didn't even wake up!
Thanks all! We go on holiday at the end of the month so I will move her into a big girl bed when we get back :D


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