Post the name you've settled on! :)

I'm not sticking to it definately cos I might change my mind but the name we both really really like is Devon Anthony Sutton.

Anthony after my husbands brother who passed.
I remember JJ mum saying Devon and thinking what a gorgeous boys names x i love hearing it when people use names that mean alot to people like using their dads name or grandparents name x I'm a member of a mainly American site and Landon seems to be very popular amongst them at the moment x they also are loving Nevaeh (heaven spelt backwards) but I'm not too sure on that one x absolutely gorgeous names guys!! Just read through them all x
Yeah I remember her liking it too! Lovely name!

I still love Eli too so who knows, I'm a bugger for changing my mind lol
Yeah I remember her liking it too! Lovely name!

I still love Eli too so who knows, I'm a bugger for changing my mind lol

Hi Yobado - Yes I love this name - I was my final boys name when I had my daughter in 2002, and still will be my boys name this time - Devon Rory Jones.
(It's an american name, and for me, the charector in Knight Rider - Michael Knights boss)

I am keeping my girls name a secret X
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Landon is too much like cockney pronunciation of London for my liking - might be a result of me living in south east London however!
I absolutely hadn't thought of that! It's alright but not for me! The Americans love London as well for a boy x
We both love Lola for a girl and with so many people expecting that we know, I've made sure everyone knows and got in there first. I like Rose for a middle name as it was my late Nanna's middle name but hubby isnt so sure. Tough, if its a girl she WILL be Lola Rose!

If it's a boy, we just have been hopeless at boys names. I think they're much harder. Daniel will definitely feature somewhere though after hubby's late brother. I promised his Mum and Dad if we ever had a boy then Daniel would be in there somewhere.

My sis is due in two weeks and also hasnt got a firm boys name but I love her choices of girls names - Saffron and Sophia (pronounced Soff-fire rather than soff-fear)
Lovely names x x I like lola, it's lovely x

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