Post pictures of your breakfast/lunch/dinner/midnight munch

My dinner:
Hamburgers with tomato and salad
homemade chunky oven chips
omg i so forgot about this thread

well 2 night tuna pasta salad i always make a big old batch cos i love it cold the next day for lunch Mmmmmmm


bit blurry but oh wellll
im not going to post mine as i burnt it :shakehead: i mean for godsake who the hell burns a jacket potato in the micromave!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
haha i dunno i dont cook jackets in the microwave well i do for 6 mins on high then in the oven for half an hour - 45mins i like em nice and crispy :D
it was bloody crispy a bit too crispy for anyones liking though :rotfl: :rotfl:
yeah thought the house was on fire :shock: scared the hell outta me!!!
lmfaoo i rmember sum1 tried 2 actually cook sasuages properly in the microwave they cuased so much stink n the sasauge was black n tiny when all the smoke eventually cleared
HappyAlice....if thats an Asda breakfast I think id give it a miss next time I go in looks bloody awful! :puke:
ooo that looks nice minus baked beans and hash browns i hate them
but its funny i hate tomatos but i dont mind peeled plum toms or tomato ketcup n soup
I didn't have one I don't like pork sausages or bacon, prefer quorn so I had a vegetarian six-of-the-best and a cup of tea
mmmm... all these pics looks yummy... at the moment i can only seem to keep cereal and soup down :-(
Iv made the most amazing chocolate pots. I cant wait to get internet at home so i can post some pics! BTW my hubby thinks this thread is hilarious! He sat looking through it yesterday :rotfl:
jenna said:
Iv made the most amazing chocolate pots. I cant wait to get internet at home so i can post some pics! BTW my hubby thinks this thread is hilarious! He sat looking through it yesterday :rotfl:

Mine thinks I'm a weirdo and a guru for starting it and getting some people hooked to it!
I guess i'm being naughty again... :oops:
another hamburger and chips this week...
BUT this time, even the burger is 100% homemade, fresh meat, fresh salad and the chips are homemade too, and they're chunky
Tonight for dinner I'm having meatballs in tomato sauce and pasta, I promise.... :oops:
lol, im cooking burgers tonight for my dinner. just wondering if i make a mini one for alice if she would be ok with it... :think:

now i fancy a big bowl of chunky chips.. yours look sooo yummy!!!!
Thought I would join the revolution...

My tea


Sorry it's blurry

Garlic mash, baked beans and pork loin steaks with apple sauce smeared on for the last 5/10 mins under the grill :)

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