Post natal depression


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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How long can it last? When does it start, as soon as bubs is born or later? How is it treated etc

I don't think I do have it as Jamie is a year old now but i've just been reading a list of symptons & I seem to have most of them :roll: just wondering what's involved in it (if that makes sense!) from anyone who knows!!

I havent had it but it doesnt always start straight away. My friend got it when her daughter turned 10mths.

:hug: :hug: :hug: Sending you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
My daughter was almost two before I was diagnosed. I just kept plodding along wondering why I was feeling so awful. With hindsight I realise it started about two months after the birth.

Definitely talk to your doctor about it. Good luck :hug: :hug:
i got diagnosed with it when leah wa a few months old. If u wanna chat just PM me hun :D :hug:
It can creep up on you at any time hun I agree with the others you should see your doctor about it :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel silly going to the docs about it :oops: especially if he says I haven't got it! I have been feeling down for quite along time but i think its just having a baby & adjusting & not having a job anymore & now moving etc. PND seems a bit drastic, if you know what I mean :think:

How is it treated??
I felt exactly the same way Nicki, which is why it went on for so long before I did anything about it. I didn't believe it was possible for me to get it!
It got to the stage where I simply had to get help, because my relationship with my kids and my OH was suffering.
I was treated with antidepressants and I also had some psychotherapy. I'm not sure how much I benefitted from the psychotherapy, as I found it difficult to talk to a complete stranger about how I was feeling. I think joining a PND group would be better, but they don't have those over here.

Good luck, don't feel silly. PM me if you need to talk.

:hug: :hug:
hun thats so strange, after your post yesterday i was asking my friends advice about how i was going to reply and she asked if it could be pnd as from an outsiders perspective she thought it sounded like it could be that (she was worried about a friend a while ago so had looked into it). i didnt mention it as i wasnt sure it had crossed your mind yet.

i agree with the others that you should talk to docs or hv (at least they are new to you so might be a bit easier). it doesnt matter if it is pnd or not - you feel how you feel and it may be that you could do with talking to someone about how and why you feel this way.


Thanks everyone. :hug:

I guess I should bite the bullet & see the doc. The h/v did come & visit me the other day (routine as we have moved into the area I think) and I was telling her snippets of how I feel but she just said to put Jamie in the creche & join the gym :shock: and that I need to go & make new friends, which I know I need to do but not as easy as that :roll:

I still can't help but feel its just me being pathetic tho. and that I should pull myself together, after all there are people out there with real problems, don't know what to do :wall:
hun problems are problems - big or small!

things that you think arent real problems have a nasty habit of turning into bigger problems if they are ignored.

great advise from the hv :roll: silly mare. combined cost of creche and gym membership is nothing to us mums, we all sit here swilling champagne and cavier all day anyway dont we :wall:

try the docs hun - at worst, if you have tried that avenue you can discount their help if its not forthcoming and start making a plan on your own. but you never know they may be able to help. cant hurt to ask!

i felt exactly like you do before i finally agreed to speak to the doctor about it after havin my 2nd son, i thought that i should pull myself together and really thought it was somethin you could just shake off.

but once i'd spoken to the doctor and started goin to this specialist mother and baby group it really felt like a weight had been lifted :) i would recommend talkin to someone as soon as you can

good luck :hug:

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