Possible vanishing twin??


Mar 8, 2011
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Hello everyone,

This is my first ever post.
So I am currently 8.3 weeks pregnant and at 7.2 weeks we had our first scan due to a previous mmc. Everything went well but there were 2 sacs, one with a baby measuring 6.5 with a heartbeat and a smaller sac without anything in it. The guy doing the scan recommended a follow up scan which I am actually having tomorrow morning to see what has happened to the second sac.
Yesterday I started to get a light pink discharge which gradually got darker throughout the evening and I even had a bit of spotting last night. All night I felt light period type cramps in my tummy but this morning everything seems to be back to normal.
Has anyone experienced vanishing twin syndrome and does this sound similar?! I know sometimes your body absorbs the baby but I am praying the cramping and slight spotting is from the other sac and not the sac with the baby as this exactly how my miscarriage started last time.
Would love to hear from any of you with similar experiences.
Sophie :-) xx
Unfortunately there will be no way of knowing until the scan
Some on here the body had absorbed an undeveloping twin, some have passed the twin, some.the twin has suddenly appeared and has started growing as normal
It could be any :(
Thank you Gail for your reply. It's just awful not knowing what's going on in there isn't it. At least by this time tomorrow I will know. :-) fingers crossed I have at least one healthy baby.
Soph x
I hope you do
If youre lucky maybe even 2 (if thats what you want)
I did want twins but now even the thought of 1 is scaring me a bit lol
My friend had a twin pregnancy where she miscarried one very early. She bled quite alot from what she said. She didn't know it was twins at the time until she went for a scan due to bleeding and there was one baby with a heartbeat and they could see she was passing the other. My other friend went for an early scan and like you there was one baby and one empty sacs and she reabsorbed it. Xxx
I will add both had healthy singleton pregnancies and healthy babies at the end xxx
Thanks girls. Still have my symptoms today which I guess is a good thing. I will let you know tomorrow :-) fingers crossed for at least one healthy baby and if there's 2 that will be a massive bonus. Xx
Unfortunately it's not good news, I ended up losing both babies. So have now had 2 mmc. Feels like it will never happen. Xx
Hi Soph, I am really sorry for your loss, I have had 2 MMC's and the second time we were expecting twins and it happened at 10weeks and we had seen heartbeats at 8weeks though they were measuring a few days behind. It is a tough road, I am based in Ireland so I had a second confirmation scan the next day & my consultant carried out a D&C as he felt it would be too traumatic & had a risk of infection to let me miscarry naturally. It is such a tough journey and although I recovered physically very quickly it took me months to get my head around it. Sending you a huge hug, lean on family and friends and look after yourself xx

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