Possible SPD and physio eek


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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I have been hving some horrible scary pains in groin area for a week or so - if I am asleep curled up and then stretch myself out straight I feel like I have been stabbed in my left groin!!! Im now having pain in my groin a bit like a pulled muscle if I walk a distance or after sex (sorry if tmi).

I phoned m/w this morning who said it's probably symphysis pubis dysfunction and offered to refer me to physio - and I said we could do that if it got worse. (Not quite sure what I was thinking - I think I was in dopey mode!!). Anyway its much worse this pm so I have phoned back and left a message hoping they will still make the referral. I think its worse because today is a "home day" and therefore I am much more active with housework/looking after DD etc than on a work day - where I sit at a desk most of the day. I also went swimming on Mon and have just read that breaststroke can make it worse (swimming is really the only excerise I enjoy and I can go when DD is in having her lesson so I don;t want to stop - and I'm pretty useless at crawl!! Maybe I can modify and do breaststroke arms and soemthing else with my legs - I really don't want to stop swimming).

Of course I have also been on Google looking at this condition and it sounds horrendous!!!! Luckily not all the symptoms sound exactly like what I am experiencing like I'm not having trouble with stairs or anything like that - maybe its not SPD after all or maybe it still in early stages...

Just wondered if anyone else had this and if this was what it was like to start with and any hints or tips for stopping it getting worse. Have had the advice to keep legs together getting out the car out of bed etc (ho ho ho - if I'd kept them together in the first place I might not be having this problem!!!!!:lol:)
i have been diagnosied with SPD by my midwife. She told me to go to my doctor so they can refer me to a physio (apparently the midwife cant refer me herself). I went to the doctor and they have arranged for me to go to the physio next week... basically i've been told that they jsut tell you how you can manage it better and exercises you can do to help and also they will give me a support band.

Mine started off as groin pain - i just though maybe i'd pulled something but it got worst. I cant walk for long periods of time and going up and down the stair hurts. Its fine when im sat down and still.. Its not very very painful but it is uncomfortable.

I would recommend going to your GP prehaps and seeing what they say?

i really feel for you - i can imagine its very painful indeed!! if anything id say swimming would be good as long as your not going mad, i get bad back and hips so i do crawl legs and breast stroke arms! its a great co ordination battle at first lol! but stick with swimming, and just dont go mad on doing anything else i guess, there are quite a lot of people on here with spd, who would all be able to help, hope they notice this thread! x
Hello Hun, not nice to see another potential sufferer from this pain in the arse of a condition. I've had mine since 18 weeks and was signed off work straight away. I worked in a cafe so I pretty much sucked at my job what with the no bending, lifting, standing or anything else remotely useful, lol. Mine seems to have reached a peak now, albeit a very painful one. What is good to remember is that every case is different, I think I'm on the more serious end so hopefully you're one of the lucky ones who gets it fixed with physio. Their advice does help, and although tedious, so do the excersises. Feel free to PM me if you want to chick. Good luck with the physio!!

Thanks everyone. It does sound like a horribly debilitating condition and my thoughts are with all of you who are sruggling.

I got the physio referal and should get seen within two weeks. Things are bearable at the moment and I'm hoping that with intervention I can view the pain so far as a warning and do everything poss to stop it from getting worse.
I have been diagnosed with this too, seeing Physio on 1st December (you can self refer in my area) but the m/w from Triage told me to go.

I just thought I was being a bit of a whinger with it and because not all of my pain is in my pelvis (mostly groin and lower back) thought maybe she had misdiagnosed me, just been reading up and all of the symptoms, I seem to have

totally sympathise with you, for those that have had other babies did you get it with them too and were the babies big when born?
It's agony. Put me in hospital twice in the space of 2 weeks.
It's evil.
I got referred by the MAU at the hospital.
I can't wait. I need that brace to help cos I'm stuck on bed rest
sounds like we have a bit in common with our big bumps, constipation and SPD :lol:
Yup just been diagnosed with it last wed but had it about 3 weeks and yes it gets worse or it has for me! Im seeing MW on tues, to be referred to have a brace fitted!

Its incredibly painful and I would trade this pain for child birth anyday! xxx

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