Positive then Negative


Active Member
Nov 14, 2008
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Good morning all,

My wife took a pregnancy test last night and it was positive - amazingly happy!

Becuase it says the best results are first thing in the morning, she took another one. Negative.

Apart from ruining my happy day, I'm a bit confused. I've looked around online, but can't really find the answers I need (everything is fine, your wife is pregnant!).

Could I get your thoughts please....

Thank you very much.
Did she use different branded tests?

It may be her hcg levels are still a bit low, they may get stronger in a couple of days, probably test again with a reliable brand like clearblue or first response.

Also did she drink a lot before she tested this morning? it could be her wee was diluted too much.

Good luck

I would test again this evening. Although first morning urine is more potent the pregnancy hormone continues to establish itself so would be even stronger this evening as long as she hasn't been to the loo for a couple of hours and hasn't consumed too much fluids during that time. If it is still negative then one of two things may have happened. One is an evaporation line; this is when a test gives a false positive result because an evaporation line will appear and looks like a line where you would expect to see a positive result line. An evap line is always clear and never the colour the test line should be. The second more upsetting thing is that your wife has had a chemical pregnancy, this means she conceived but the baby didn't develop. This is such an early misscarriage that most women just have their cycle without ever realsiing they had conceived.

I am sorry if it is the latter. It has no impact on your chances of conceiving again and truely is bad luck (I have had a couple of chemical pregnancies myself).

Please let us know how you get on.

Warm wishes,
Thanks Lorna.

I bought a Clear Blue twin pack and she used one last night and one as soon as she woke up this morning before anything to drink.

I know we need to test again in a couple of days, but it was strange that it would change in just a few hours?
Some women have better results later in the day.

My stronger line was in the afternoon, she may not have alot of hcg in her system at the moment, and if she gets better results in the evening I would say take one in the evening.

Also when if her period due? it is always best to wait until after she is late x
Cheers Becs aswell.

The test we did was digital, so maybe it was the latter :(

OK, another test this evening or at the weekend I guess. Her period was due last week, so there is hope yet.

I want a baby already!!
Fingers crossed for that positive!!! :hug:
Thanks, I'll let you know how we go :)
Good luck hun! Hope that positive is there when you test again.

Feel free to come back and talk to us about it, whatever the result - you will both get some amazing support from the ladies here as I have :hug:
Good news :dance:

My wife took a test this morning and it's positive again!

Down to the doctors I think!!!
:cheer: :cheer: Congratulations to you and your wife :dance: :dance:
Thank you ladies :D

Do you know how quickly the doctor confirms your pregnant after you have a blood test?

So many questions right now.
Congratulations :D

When i was pregnant with my daughter they did no tests to confirm the pregnancy. i told them i had a positive test and they advised me to book in with the midwife and that was it.

Because you have a mix of positives and a negative they may do a urine test with a pregnancy test but not sure if they will do a blood test :hug:
you can't get falce positives but can get falce negatives aparently :D congrats :cheer: :cheer: i'd say your going to be a daddy
Ive had 2 children and can confirm i have never had a blood test done to confirm a pregnancy, they just go by your test stick. You just book in with the doctors and then they will refer you to the midwife around 10 and 13 weeks pregnant.

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