Positive OPK 6 DPO and then negative 5 hours later...


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2016
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***CD 6. So just a little background, I’ve been trying to conceive now for about 2 years with no success. I’ve seen my gyn and she did an ultrasound that came back normal and so far I have not received any type of diagnosis other than a retroverted uterus. Well I decided to order some clinical guard OPKs with the red dye. I just ended my period yesterday and thought why not just test it today just to get an idea and it was almost positive... I was very confused. So a few hours later towards the end of the day I tested again and it was totally negative with the faintest line. Any ideas on why I would have had a positive test to begin with? My body confuses me lol. Btw I have very normal cycles usually always 28-30 days.
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So your not 6DPO you are on CD6.
I wouldn't actually say that was a positive, yes its dark but it isn't as dark as the control line or darker.
Maybe your body was gearing up for ovulation and then didn't? I actually don't know why but just keep on with the OPK's and i am sure you will get your positive.

Can i ask if your OH has gone for testing to check if everything is normal with him?
I definitely meant to say CD 6 lol. But yeah who knows. It was just odd to me. And no, he has not. The last gyn appointment I went to the dr ordered testing for him but he started a new job recently and hasn’t been able to go yet but that shall be the next step!
i don't wan't to be a debbie downer but women always suspect something is wrong with them when they are having trouble to conceive but if you have been trying for 2 years now and everything is ok with you then there may be an issue with your OH.
Myself and my partner are going through testing now and he has low morphology, if we waited longer to get him checked we would never have known.
I do urge you to try and get your OH booked in because there may be a simple solution to help him if there is a problem.
LH can briefly surge just after your period has ended so if you test too close you might’ve caught that. I get a peak on a opk on day 10 of my cycle like clockwork. So it is possible and my cycle are about 23-24 days long. They have been known to vary as much as 21-27 but stil always get a positive on day 10
i don't wan't to be a debbie downer but women always suspect something is wrong with them when they are having trouble to conceive but if you have been trying for 2 years now and everything is ok with you then there may be an issue with your OH.
Myself and my partner are going through testing now and he has low morphology, if we waited longer to get him checked we would never have known.
I do urge you to try and get your OH booked in because there may be a simple solution to help him if there is a problem.

I agree with this. We will definitely be getting him checked soon!
LH can briefly surge just after your period has ended so if you test too close you might’ve caught that. I get a peak on a opk on day 10 of my cycle like clockwork. So it is possible and my cycle are about 23-24 days long. They have been known to vary as much as 21-27 but stil always get a positive on day 10
Good to know! This is my first time graphing my opks (or even using them) so it was confusing to me. I’ve tracked from CD 6-10 now and they are all over the place! Lol.
I guess I was just expecting more of a consistent pink line increasing instead of up and down.


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