Positive Medical mangement,


Jun 12, 2014
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Hi ladies..
Yesterday i went in to Hospital (Queens medical in Nottingham)
for medical mangement as my beany never got a heartbeat and stopped growing around 6 weeks i should of been 10 weeks now.. :(
I just wanted to give my story and tell People that are concidering this option that its not as bad as all the leaflets and Gooogle tell you.
I got to the hospital for 9.45am. had bloods taken filled in concent forms and tested for MRSA,
had the internal tablets (4 of them at about 11.45am, around 1 pm i went to the toilet and had a tiny amount of blood no pain just a kind of heavy feeling in my womb... each time i went to the toilet i had to use a bed pan and pull the cord for the nurses to take away and examine... around 1.30 pm.. i was really bleeding soaked two pads and when i was weeing a felt something fall out it was liver looking ( im sorry for the tmi) anyway it was a blood clot only and this happend at least 10 more timesover the day , i was told i would be seen after 6 hours so by 6pm i was getting cross i wasnt being seen but was told the DR was really busy and would be seen within the hour.. all i wanted to do by then was go home.. i add the nurses were lovely and were helpful in every way! at 6.40 i went to the loo again and again a blob came out but this time i noticed some pinkish tissue in there... after 5 10 mins i was told this was the pregnancy sack etc.. and id just have to wait a couple more hours for the bleeding to not be as red.. eventually it was like a medium bleed period so i was discharged after taking 4 massive antibiotics incase of infection due to the cervix being open for a while... i got home around 9 pm !!
I was absolutely shocked that i had zero pain through the whole experiance just a few dull aches and the heavy feeling inside... i did take two paracetamol before i went to bed last night and the bleeding since is just like a regualr period ive been advised to take a pregnancy test in 2 weeks to make sure everything did come away and to ring straight away if its positive for a scan and also to look out for any very large clots...
Yesterday morning i was terrified about having this procedure but i chose it over surgery as ive had bad experiances with being out to sleep in the past so surgery was my last option,
I wouldnt wish this on anybody but for you ladies that have to choose a option please be assured this isnt as scarey as the leaflets and Dr Google say its obvioulsy quite emotional and its a sad time , i had my sister with me all day for support and the day did drag along very slowly... Im so sorry for anybody whos lost their baby like myself but please again be assured its not all scarey xxxxx
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry:
I had a d and c for my first MMC but mine was also a positive experience and was treated very kindly.
I'm so glad that this last part wasn't as horrific as it's made out to be.
I always fine emotions are more painful than any physical pain though.
:hug: take care of yourself and thank you for sharing your story. Xxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing your experience, I'm sure it will help others in the future. I'm also from Nottingham and went to QMC just over a week ago for ERPC however nature took its course before the procedure and as I was already at hospital, they kept me there, the nurses were so lovely. Take care x

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