portion sizes


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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for the last 5 days or so, marley has been eating more or less what i am eating or home cooked food especially for him. i used to give him jars quite alot really and found the transition quite hard! i was just wondering how much your lo's actually eat, as i feel he isnt getting enough.

for example, if he has a sandwich, he usually eats 2 squares and throws the rest, he will eat half a waffle, out of 2 fishfingers, 1 gets eaten. if i mash a banana he will eat it all (spoon fed) but if he eats it himself (cut in pieces) he usally has less than half. he loves toast and usually gibbles a full slice....dairylea gets squished and not really eaten.

today he did quite well and ate a full peanut butter sandwich, it was made with 2 slices of milk loaf and he ate the lot!!!
sorry for babbling i was just curious to see what all your lo are like!!!

thanks in advance!!!!
I've just started giving charley what we have for tea but cut into little bits and I still give it to him with a fork. He can eat a whole waffle with half a cod fillet and a spoonful of spag hoops. He's such a pig!
If I let him eat it himself though he will hardly touch it, he's so lazy!!
I don't really know how much Paige eats. I give her a good sized portion and just let her go nuts with it. If I think she should eat a tiny bit more then Ill encourage her to use her fork (shes not a fan of spoons).

My mum can get quite worried about how much she eats when she's feeding herself but Ive sat and watched her and she eats roughly the same amount. I know she gets full so I guess shes eating enough.
Herbie won't let you near him with a spoon now so it is a bit more worrying not seeing a bowl go down that your feeding him but I try not to worry and just let him get on with it.
Good idea with the fork I might go and get some I think he would like it xxxx
thanks ladies! im gunna try the fork thing, as he wont let me put a spoon near him. he only lets me if i distract him with a piece of bread!!! little piggy for breakfast he had 8oz cows milk, 1 yoghurt, peanut butter on toast (all 4 squares) and a fruit pot!! he must have been starving! like lanny said, i think the fact when i spoon feed him i feel satisfied knowing hes eaten a full bowl whereas self feeding always seems so much less (in marleys case!)
i go by the theory that if Noa is hungry he will eat, if he finish whats infront of him i give him a bit more. If he leaves food i take it hes done.
Noa is a skinny little boy but eat like a horse, he easy eat a slice of tost, some natural youghurt and fruits for breakfast.

I heard that they "should" have a handful (their hands) of carb, handful veg and handful protein. but perhaps thats after their first birthday, im not sure. Noa eats more then that tho. He also eat what we have except if we have something really unhealthy or salty.

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