POP Quiz

rachelandjarvis said:
Big bands travels at night - dexys midnight runners??? maybe?

That's Orchestral Maneuvers in the dark
Freya said:
if people want I will put the other 40 up for you to have a go at?? But only if people want me to

Go for it Freya I'm sure people will like it :D
Ok here are the first 10

Pale Serpent
Desert Waterhole
Aircraft data recording equiment
Gorgeous but not Northern
Revolvers and flowers
From another country
Cheerful start to the week.
Venom - Sting (??)
Woodworkers - The Carpenters
Desert Waterhole - Oasis
Revolvers and flowers - Guns & Roses
Cheerful start to the week - Happy Monday's
Ooh, I love stuff like this!

Pale Serpent - Whitesnake
Sillohuettes - The Shadows
Aircraft data recording equp - Black Box
Gorgeous/not Northern - Beautiful South
From another country - Foreigner
Ok here are next 10 for you then

Spinnning rocks
Firs man and insects
thunderbolt helps grass grow
In wonderland just like that
nosy dead cat
Young lads grow up
Elizabeth, Victoria and mary
Get paste from a tube
Blocks grafting
Ham or beef bread
Venom - poison
Hard shelled insects - beatles
A violent place for plants to live - savage garden
Hamlet, a female relative - shakespeares sister
Big bands travels at night orchestral manouvres in the dark
Nosy dead cat - cusriosity killed the cat
Entrances - the doors
Bracelets - bangles
Flying metalworker - Aerosmith
Flowers made from masonry. - stone roses
Spinnning rocks - rolling stones
Firs man and insects - adam and the ants
thunderbolt helps grass grow - lightening seeds
In wonderland just like that - alice cooper
nosy dead cat - curiosity killed the cat
Young lads grow up - boyz to men
Elizabeth, Victoria and mary - queen
Get paste from a tube - squeeze
Blocks grafting - ?????
Ham or beef bread - meatloaf
Freya said:
No daughter is 5.

The quiz is for parents for PTA funds. Out of 50 have now only got 10 to get.

Here they are in case anyone can help.

Hard shelled insects
A violent place for plants to live
Hamlet, a female relative
Big bands travels at night
Nosy dead cat
Flying metalworker
Flowers made from masonry.

Venom.... might be poison
Hard shelled insects... ? Can only think of Adam Ant?!?!?
Big Band travels at night.... has to be OMD (orchestral manovers in the Dark)

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